Thursday, October 31, 2013

July 29, 2013 {Cara}

Aloha! The best week EVER!!

 Oh my goodness. This week... I dont even know where to start! Well cool story- Wednesday was a horrible morning. I couldn't stop thinking about Aaron and how all of you guys were going to picking him up that day where you dropped me off just a couple months ago. Ha I couldn't hold myself together. (Dont worry, they were mostly happy tears:) I am just so happy and excited for him to see you guys! I know it must have been an amazing day! I love him so much, his example means the world to me. Anyways, I finally was able to get myself together and teach the lesson. After our lesson (with Ed) his son walks in with his wife and kids. We start talking story and turns out they're really interested in our message and want to start taking the lesson because they just moved to maui (that morning) and where they use to live, they'd see two Elders always out on their bikes riding around, but they never got a chance to talk to them! Sooo turns out.... they just arrived in Maui THAT morning from SOUTH CAROLINA. Crazy!!! I was telling them how Aaron just got back from serving there that same day, and we all starting freaking out because we think Aaron is one of the missionaries they'd always see:) Small WORLD!! 

Thursday we met with THE spazziest, funniest lady in the entire world. (she has a calendar of pastor/preacher models on her wall hahaha) She is so funny, She comes to our church on Sundays because she feels so loved and happy and has a feeling of joy that she can not explain. So we are going to teach her the lessons, at least try, because she so spazz-tic its nearly impossible to say anything to her. We gave her a Book of Mormon and HOLY COW, we wanted to record it and show all of our other investigators, "THIS is how your suppose to react when we give you this book!!" Haha she was jumping off her seat, clapping and giggling and praising us, hugging us and tearing up for how grateful she to finally have her OWN copy. Ya- her name is Marggarett and she is Miracle!! 

Tuesday we had dinner with Trixi I love her! She is so stinkin funny and loves me because I am white, tall, and from oklahoma and I eat what she feeds me haha (which isn't seconds, or thirds, no.. its like fourths and fifths- food really does make people like you so much more its CRAZY!!) Anyway so trixi- a member who served a mission, then came home and became very inactive. She has a calling though, and its Tagalog Sunday school teacher, except we dont have any investigators yet who speak Tagalog. Soo.. I simply said a prayer that night. I truly prayed to Heavenly Father to help us find someone who trixi can teach. The next day- we found Gloria! Who doesn't speak much english! Only tagalog! So we invited her to church and trixi came:) Another wonderful miracle:)

Remember Naji? The boy that reminds me so much of Gavin? He is on FIRE! Wow- He is loving the Gospel and loves the Book of Mormon. He doesn't stop smiling and talking and agreeing with everything we say. He's like a tongan version of Gavin. Hahaha such a contradicting visual.. But I love him, He is so great. Pray for him to continue to progress! I love him so much!

Back to food- Ohh my goodness. People eat so much food. I dont think you'll ever understand. I get a plate FULL of food, and they watch you. They make sure you eat all of it, because if you dont- you get made fun of for the rest of your life. Haha I made a mistake of not finishing all my steak once, and I turned into the joke of the night.. all the Tongans make fun. Which isn't fun. Quickly learned my lesson! Ahh.. I'm going to be so fat.

Well I just got a text "flossie warning" There's a big storm coming tonight. Super freaky, its called the flossie storm. I think its a small Hurricane? Not sure. OH and family- you all are looking different already, what in the world!? Love all the pictures! Makes me so happy!:) I love all of you guys! Gavin you look like a giant- and I like your hair, Dont cut it!! Alyssa your looking so pretty. Abs your such a baller haha. Jantz and Jorgen stop growing! You better still be my 'little' brothers when I get back!! Mom and dad I love you so much!
No Ka Oi Family!! I love you all! I love all my investigators and people in hawaii and being a missionary!!:)
Sister Olsen

Has Joseph butler started his mission papers yet? Let me know when he gets his call!
Oh and this whole P day coordinator thing is going great. We just finished 3 hours of INTENSE volleyball with the Tongan singles ward. Man. I'm so Tongan. Haha;) I love HAWAII!!

July 23, 2013 {Cara}

Aloha my brothers and sisters!!
I can't believe that two months ago today I was off to the MTC! Wow. Crazy how time flies. I love being a missionary. Yesterday I forgot to put my name tag on... and we got to the gas station and I about had a cow. Actually I did have a cow! Pretty much an identity crisis. Ah! So we immediately turned around and got my tag. My tag just means so much to me. I love representing Jesus Christ. Its interesting how that name is becoming more and more meaningful to me as I study more and learn more everyday about him. Theres more love, compassion, and graditude when I say his name. So when I say I love representing Jesus Christ I hope you all know that I truly love it! I feel so honored. What a blessing:) 

So this week was pretty much the best week in my life. I cant wait to tell you all why! So remember Sara? She got baptized last Saturday.. and her kids just got baptized a few days ago!! OH MY GOODNESS! It was the best day ever. It was really cool- I had a feeling that I really needed to make this day an extra big deal for Ka'eo (whose 11 almost 12) and I kinda pictured it as if it were Jorgens big day. It was so great. I love treating everyone out here as if they were my family. It makes me love everyone even more! So after the baptism on Sunday- Ka'eo's mom- sara, came up to me with tears in her eyes saying how she, as a mother, has never seen ka'eo been so happy and smile so much any other day in his life and how she can tell I come from a family with a lot of kids and that it shows in the ward. It brought tears to my eyes as well. I love her so much! I call her mama Sara. I am so grateful to be able to bring this gospel to Kanemitsu family. Man- i can't believe how much I love them! Sara is already giving us refferals too. She's only been a member for a WEEK!! 
So my crafty side has come out! Ha I made a lesson with cut outs and stuff for a visual, and all the investigators were a lot more able to understand what we've been teaching! So I made more and now I have some for the restoration, plan of salvation, and gospel of Christ. Everyone loves them! Its so fun to be able to teach them. I feel like I'm teaching primary sometimes... but all of our investigators pretty much know as much as the primary kids do...or less. Its so fun, I love teaching:)
Something else exciting- we were on exchanges and i was with Sister Broomhead and so I got to take charge! Woohoo! So we went tracting. Ha only because there was this one apartment place I really wanted to tract. So we finally got to. And guess what!? We met the biggest sweetheart I will ever meet in my life. His name is Naji. He loves everything we tell him and believes it all and is looking for a church that "makes sense" So we of course- invited him to church on Sunday. And he guess what he did. Walked to church. Its like a two hour walk. He melts my heart. But we got the Elders to drive him for now on! He already has a baptismal date set!:) Want to know why I love him so much!? He's Gavin identical twin. Everything about him! I was like- woah this is freaky. So Gavin good thing I LOVE YA!:)
Mom THANKYOU SO MUCH for the package. Oh my goodness I was freaking out! Took me by complete surprise! Ah! And I ran out of money for the month so those Cliff bars we're an answer to prayers! Oh my goodness it was the best day ever. Like Christmas... but better. Thankyou:) All your letters made me so happy! I love the picture of Jantz mom:) And with my feet- They're a trial for sure. It got to the point where I was seriously considering giving up. Then I figured- I'd rather be healing as a missionary, then healing at home.
I love you all! Enjoy your time home with Aaron:) Ha its an emotional week for me... Haha! I wish I was home to see him and see you all see him. Please send me pictures!! Haha I was asked to lead the song, "families can be together forever" in sacrament..... It was the worst. I started bawling before the song even started! hahaha... so embarrassing. 
I love you mom and dad and family! thanks for all you do! Your support is amazing:) I'm so blessed. I'm learning so much its insane!
Sister Olsen

July 22, 2013 {Kaitlyn}


Hello Hello Hello Familia :) :),
Oh my goodness I don't have any clue where to start. There are so many things to talk about right now! Haha but I'm going to start with the news I just found out. I don't know if you send this to people, but some people like Linds and Kenz Tags and maybe the Fab will die! I got an email from John today I get on my and he got his call, andddd he's coming here! Richmond, Virginia. WHAT IN THE WORLD?! Uhh... this could be awkward.  I'm dying right now! I'd be laughing so hard if I wasn't in a library! Anyway... ya I seriously am in shock. Now on with the rest of the letter.
RICHMOND! It's GORGEOUS HERE!! Sara you would absolutely LOVE it! There are trees everywhere :) It is SOOO humid I can't even believe it. My towel doesn't even dry because the air is just wet. My letter are even a little soggy.  I'm in an area called Woodbridge, which is like 10 minutes away from DC! Kenz Tags I'll be so so close to you girl! Actually DC South got split, so my companions are from there and they loved it! I'm so jealous of you, that temple is gorgeous! We're so so close... but we aren't allowed to go unfortunately. :( I'm super excited for you though!! :)
Ok, so starting with day one in the actual field since I already told you about our first night. So Thursday we had our transfer meeting, and then we headed to Woodbridge which is about 2 hours from Richmond. We went straight to a less active members house to teach a lesson. IT WAS CRAZY! They were so so nice! I did not understand anything though.  I taught about faith :) The simplest way you can imagine but at least I said something!  They were smiling and I completely missed what happened and my companion said "they said you look like Barbie." How offensive! Funny funny. Then next we went to one of our contacts, and she let us in! That makes for a new investigator! :) I commited her to baptism without a date, and also to do Moroni's promise! Cool huh?! The other sisters set it up for me, but I was still pretty excited :) They both said they were coming to church, and I really thought they would... but they didn't show. Hopefully next week though!
Friday... Friday is weekly planning so it's a little different than the normal schedule. Instead of having language study and 2 hours of comp study, we have a 3 hour planning session. It's crazy how much there is to go over. These first few days have been SO overwhelming! It's impossible to remember everything! Especially with a memory like mine... No bueno! Anyway, so we had that in the morning and then we went out to appointments. We have an AWESOME investigator, Luz Marina. She has three kids, and she is awesome! One of the kids is 10 and he gets so excited about reading the Book of Mormon! He's already in the 5th chapter of Nephi! The other is 15 and I haven't decided about her? But I think she really is considering! We had a great lesson with them on the Restoration, and after I got to say the commitment to baptism! They all commited to August 24th! Hispanics can be super flaky though... so I hope they stick to it! They're awesome. They were at church on Sunday!
Saturday! Saturday was awesome! We have studying for 5 hours in the morning, so we get out around 1. At one we had a walk and talk. WOW, I felt like I just took a bath! It was SO HOT! All I can do is embrace my wonderful genes I suppose :) Haha So the walk and talk was interesting... I definitely haven't mastered that. I didn't say a word. It was fun though! We didn't really find anybody that was interested. Anyway, then at 5 we went the the home of the ward mission leader. She spoke English to me! It was amazing! I actually felt like I developed a relationship with somebody! Hahaha she is SO nice! The Elders were supposed to go to her house on Thursday for dinner, but she wants us to come because she wants to show me this Argentinan drink... so she's going to make the missionaries food to go.  Awesome. She's super nice and super fun! I'm excited to get to know her better! Ok next is the best. We got a call from a cute sister in the ward and she told us to come over because she had a friend that was interested. We ended up going over to give the first lesson. She was AMAZING! She had a 5 day old baby there that was absolutely ADORABLE! She is really quite interested, and I'm thinking things may end good with her! I recited the first vision and it was AMAZING! I felt the spirit sooo strongly in the room! I went for it and asked her if she would be baptized when she knew for herself these things were true, and she said yes! YIPEE! I'm super excited to have more lessons with her, because you can definitely feel her spirit. She needs the gospel in her life.
Sunday. First was church, and church was awesome! Lots of the sisters speak English, so I got to know a lot of super nice sisters! One couple served in Argentina, so they were telling me all about it! I'm super nervous for the food I might receive!  Anyway, they were short teachers for the primary so we got to teach the 8 year olds! They were ADORABLE! I LOVEEEE being around kids again. It was so so fun! I just wish we could hold them! I'm almost out of time... so onto last night. I'll just tell you about one. They're a less active family. The dad is really struggling right now. The daughter started telling us about him and just started crying. It was super sad! We read Lehi's vision with them in the book of Mormon. I couldn't understand everything they were saying... but a little bit! I actually understand the scriptures! Anyway... I told them I don't speak much spanish but I wanted to bear my testimony, so that was a neat experience. The spirit is always so strong in these homes. They are such a loving group of people!
All in all it was a good few days, each day got better and better. Cuz it has been super overwhelming! I'm exhausted! In the mornings we go on walks, so I am at least able to run back and forth but only for like 20 minutes. Then I do a few abs, but that's it. I'm going to get SOOO fat! The serve your plate, and you wouldn't believe how much they put on it! Haha and they always offer sugar drinks, like Inca Cola! I asked for water once, but I probably shouldn't do that. They love to serve you, so you have to accept and you have to eat everything! No bueno. Haha I'm going to send this just incase it locks me out of the computer! 

July 12, 2013 {Kaitlyn}


DRUM ROLLLLL>>>>> and the winning state iiiissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss................ RICHMOND VIRGINIA!! :) :) I'll be leaving on Wednesday! :) :) :)

July 11, 2013 {Kaitlyn}

Last days!

Hello family! :) Hope all is going well for y'all! Sounds like you all had a super great 4th of July! :) Mom how was the show? Which show did you go to?? How long were you there for?? I was confused with the days this week! Haha Time is going by so fast lately! I can't believe everybody is leaving in 3 days! Possibly me?! I'm DYING waiting to figure out where I'm going! :) I hear lots of rumors about Argentina, about not going there at all... but I'm thinking I'm going to get there! I just have the feeling that I'm going to be that lucky one! :) I sure hope so! Except really I'm just ready to go anywhere! :) It's AWESOME here, but i'm ready to get out to the real stuff! :) 

Well, this week wasn't too exciting. Everybody in our district going to Peru found out they are going there! They go without a Visa, and then if they can't get one while they're there then they have a return flight. Crazy! I'm so excited for them! :) I'm going to miss our district so much though! Things won't be the same without Hermana Tui'One around :) Haha she's such a character!
Today has been a crazy day! I have NO time to do write any letters or anything! We had the opportunity of cleaning the temple though! It was AWESOME! The sisters were in charge of a chandelier (don't know how to spell that) in a celestial room. I can't believe the process of that! You take it off rod by rod... well over 1000 pieces of crystal. It was terrifying! My heart was pounding just thinking about what would happen if I dropped one of those. (That would be something that would happen to me). Anyway, ya that was a super cool experience! Now we're just doing laundry and personal study and then it's time for dinner! Tell everyone sorry for no letters! I still enjoy receiving them though! ;) Haha
So for fourth of July we got to watch 17 Miracles! I love that movie!! :) Wow, I can't even imagine being in those circumstances! On Sunday's we also get to watch different video's, and this Sunday we watched Joseph Smith. I can't believe everything he and his family went through either! They're truly amazing! Ha squirrel... back to 4th of July, we also got to watch the stadium of fire fireworks! We had to stay inside the gates of the MTC though, so it was a little bit hard to see. I love fireworks! :) After that we still had a service project, so we didn't get to bed until midnight! I'm still not caught up on sleep! haha I need every 8 hours of my sleep :) Haha We always joke that we wake up later then the elders. They get up at 6:15. One of the companionships get up at 5:45 and they're still late to breakfast! I don't understand! haha
Anyway, sorry there isn't really anything exciting this week! It's Sadie's birthday, so I will try to get a letter off to her hopefully! Hope all is going well for all of you! Have a great week! Miss you much, but wouldn't want to be anywhere else than here! The Lords work is amazing! I'll keep you posted on where I'm going! Adios Amigos! :)

Kim and I "conveniently" ran into Kaitlyn at the Provo temple one sunday afternoon...
(She had no idea we were going to be there. You should of seen her when she first  saw us- overly excited would of been an understatement:)

July 7, 2013 {Cara}

Happy 4th of JULY!!:)
DAD! Oh my goodness thank you so much for that email:) Thank you so much for your prayers. I know that they are what get me through everyday. Ha at first I was thinking you were crazy by having to tell me "Dont come home." I would think, "there is no way I'd ever get that thought!" But satan is real and those thoughts will pop in my head when things get tough. I quickly think of you though, and Aaron. I cant tell you how much I am always thinking of you guys and all the Olsens. I'll always think, "What would my dad do? Aaron? Mom? Uncle Randy? Nathaniel? Aunt Laura Ann? Alyssa? Gavin?" I could go oooonnnnn about everyone because I'm always picking an Olsen to follow an example of when it comes to difficult situations. So THANKYOU OLSENS for being such incredible examples. 

I can not believe that there is only one more week until next transfer. Thankfully, I am staying in Lahaina!! Sister Willis will train be for 6 more weeks, then I will be training and possibly opening up a new area. Sister Willis is a Sister Trainer... which requires her having to travel to different Islands and go on exchanges with other missionaries so she can do reports on them.... and the cool thing is... I TAG ALONG! Ha so I got to go to take a ferry to Lanai last week. It was one great experience. The people there- Wow. Nicest people I ever met in my life. Lanai looks like montana. Lots and lots of ranch. (Dad I took pics just for you, you'll love it) It was fun going on exchanges with the other missionaries. We talked to a Jehovah's Witness missionary, and she is interested and is now a new investigator for Lanai! Its so small there.. I'll send pics

Speaking of Jehovahs Witness.. We have a baptism date for someone who was formerly one. His name is Ed Kaahue. He's 72 years old but looks 30. Is was definitly a miracle for him to commit to baptism. It was frusterating because he knows the book of Mormon is true, and He knows the church is true, but he doesn't want to get baptized because he is worried about what his family will think of him. But he's great. I was able to be bold. Something just clicked and I was able to testify because he was someone I truely cared about and wanted this for him. A scripture in Nephi came to my head for him to read, I dont even remember what it was? I dont even know how i knew what it was actually... but it was something about how the lord will provide a way. We invited him to get baptized and he said he would pray about it. The next morning we came by, and he said, "Well I prayed.. and I feel good about it because I know the lord will provide a way" YAY! Miracle:) Its crazy how excited I got when he said yes. I truely love these people. Its crazy to think of Heavenly Fathers love for us. Anyway- I can't wait for Ed!!

Next Miracle, This is a cool story... So sara- She is the same as Ed- knows the church is true but is halting on baptism for 6 months for lack of an answer to her prayers. So last week, we were unable to reach her, she was always gone and wasn't keeping appointments. Finally yesterday morning, I got an idea to skip companion study and try to reach her early in the morning around 9. So we went to her house bright and early, and she was there! Turns out she has been going through a really hard time and was in need of a blessing. She called her catholic bishop for a blessing that morning and was waiting for him to return her call. He never called her back and she was just heart broken! It was so sad. When we showed up, she told us how her life has been crazy without us stopping by and how she was in need of a blessing. So sister willis and I called some people in the ward to come give her a blessing. After the blessing she prayed .. and like two seconds after her prayer she says, " I need to be baptized. I will be baptized. I know he's there and I know thats what I need to do" Ahh.... It was so great!! I love Sara. Her baptism is next Sunday:) I'm so stoked.

Family- I love you. I love you all so much!! I am so grateful to be here. Please know that this is not what everyone says that this is... a "vacation". It tough stinkin work man...  Ha. I cant wait for Aaron to come home!! Are you all just freaking out!? He gets home in just a few weeks! Crazy!! Goodness I love being a missionary! :) Jorgen and Abby and Gavin- yesterday for the 4th of July the Zone all got together and we were at the church all wanting to do something fun. haha i thought of all those summer nights of nightgames and how fun they were. So I got a BIG game of capture the flag put together. Haha it was such a blast... and i thought you would appreciate that even missionaries love playing night games:)

July 4, 2013 {Kaitlyn}

Happy 4th!!! :)
Hola familia! :) How're ya'll doing?? Before I forget I owe a big bday shout out to Whitney!! :) HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY! Hope you have a swell day :) Thanks for the packages! I love getting the different packages! Enjoyed the random bag of cheetos in yours :) Haha and I always laugh at the things in heather's! Kristin and Kaden I LOVED those dried fruit things! Thank you thank you :) That was from a while ago but I don't know if I ever said that? Oh and Kaden your mom is the sweetest! I'm going to write her a letter but tell her THANK YOU SO MUCH! That neckalace was adorable! Haha so friday I went to the mailroom to get my 2 packages and then they were like oh I think you have more... and they brought out 3 more! I got 5 PACKAGES! I think it's a record! You guys are trying to make me fat! Sara sent cookies, Kim sent me chocolate covered strawberries and candy, mom sent orange rolls, and shellie sent no bakes! Mmmm super yummy! My zone loves you guys! :) Haha mail time is such a wonderful time of day! :)
Mom you asked me if I'm sick of the food... and surprisingly I'm not! I try to eat healthy in the cafeteria so that I can enjoy the treats I am sent... I have the same meal for lunch and dinner 5 times out of the week! Haha they have a salad bar, and I make the same salad everytime! :) And I feel like dad because everday I have a banana with crunchy peanut butter! :) I only have a few more days more! CRAZY! I leave in 10 days! I can't even believe how fast time has been going by now!! I'm going to miss this place so much!! Especially my district!! Goodbyes all over the place... not my favorite thing to do, but I'm super excited for the field! :)
Soo today is just a normal day, but it's our pday so we lucked out! We actually can't go to the field on pday unfortunately though :( We'll probably go to the gym though! Then I have a lot of letters to catch up on, so I'll do that hopefully! Then tonight we get out of class early to have a special program! :) Then we get to watch the fireworks from here! I'm so excited!! I heard the cannon of the parade this morning! Super weird that I'm not there watching Josh (Elder Wright) pull it! Haha I was thinking of you guys though! :) Hope you're having fun in Island Park! You'll have to tell me all about it! :) We should probably go to Island Park sometime when I get home as well! ;)
Well, every week is the same old same old. A great same old though! Every week I just can't stop talking about how much I LOVE it here, and how I'm going to miss it SO much!! This Tuesday we had a super neat devotional! It was Brother Matthew Richardson. He talked about the "What E'er thou art, act well thy part" stone. So any way you add up the numbers on that stone it adds to 18. So if we don't act well our part, the big picture doesn't work out. So if the 5 weren't a 5, then the other numbers wouldn't have any purpose anymore because they don't add to 18 without the 5. That probably sounds super confusing, but look at the stone and maybe you'll understand? Anyway, I wish I could give you all the quotes I wrote down but it was an unbelievable devotional! I'm ready to act well my part as a missionary. What would a real missionary do? What will I do? I will ask myself these questions for the rest of my mission. I'm going to do everything I can to be the 4th missionary! :) "A mission is a time to focus on one thing." Oh many I learned soooo  much from it! So good! Another quote I love is "A missionary... someone who leaves their family for a short time so they can be with theirs for a long time." It really put things into perspective for me. It makes sense why homesickness is a sin. It's prideful. I thought I'd never get over it... but I am so happy to say that I am! The Lord can do miraculous things when you put all your trust in Him, and a mission surely requires you to do this!
I told you guys about TRC I believe? We had the best people ever this week! We had the cutest little old grandma that barely reached my chest! She was adorable! She served a mission with her husband in Uruguay and then one in Mexico after her husband died. She was adorable!! She taught us more than we taught her! :) The spirit was so strong as she was testifying of her faith in this gospel. On her feedback paper she said "I want to be just like them!" Too cute! Then we taught 3 siblings... 2 which had just returned from their missions! The sister went to Buenos Aires North! They were super nice as well! :) She told me that she ate alot of cow tongue there! GROSS! She also was talking about the language... and lets just say I'm basically starting anew there! Ha some guy said something to me and I had no idea what he said! Ohhh dear, we're in for a treat! :) Haha I just have to laugh about that language... but it's truly amazing how much I have learned! Ask me about the gospel and I know quite a bit! Have a regular conversation with me... and we have some problems! ;) haha It's been super fun learning it! Yesterday we spoke it the majority of the day! It wasn't even frustrating, so we definitely have some improvements!
Josh was playing volleyball and tore all his ligaments or something in his thumb? It was so swollen! He just laughs about it of course. He's so funny! It brightens my day everytime I see him, because he's SO HAPPY! He's doing so well! :) And if he's not then he sure has me and everybody else fooled! He's like 2 feet taller than his district! It's so funny to see him walking next to all of them! Pretty sure he keeps them laughing at all times of the day! Hahaha what a stud!
Well familia, I hope all is going well for you guys! I don't know what I'll do when I don't get a letter everyday! ;) By the way, I get travel plans this weekend... so I should have my reassignment next thursday!! Crazy! Lots of Argentina missionaries have been delayed with that though, so we'll see?? And I guess I don't even know for sure, maybe my VISA will be in?? I'll keep you posted! Have a fantastic 4th of July!! I love and miss you all very much! Wish I could write you more!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

September 23, 2013 {Cara}

Baby steps can be the biggest steps:)

Malolele Ohana,
Mom I haven't gotten the package yet, but thankyou for telling me about all those ideas.. I cant wait to use them! Hows Abby and basketball? and Highschool!? We taught Lehi's vision to a lot of our Recent Converts this week. They LOVED it! It gave them that fire to start reading the Book of Mormon and finding more stories. I think of that one time when we acted it out at Grandma Olsens house everytime we teach it.
Well we had almost 28 lessons this week... it was super busy.. Like I said before, the spirit makes time go by so fast.... I dont know how. It just does. 
This week... we had zone conference... but I got food poisening and spent the whole day out on the couch, so it wasn't very learningful for me... haha Presidents Wife is so sweet though and took great care of me... Ya mom nothings changed... I get food poisoning at the worst times still....
BUT!! We taught the Haia boys a lot to prepare them for their baptism on Saturday. They're the cutest boys in the world. They have crushes on the Aunties (me and sister mottl) haha. I love them, and I'm so happy that they're dad is letting them be baptized. Teaching them is fun, I am grateful to have lots of experience teaching kids, because Sister Mottl gets really frustrated in lessons with kids, hahaha its really funny though. I would too if I wasn't use to crazy kids... So thankyou Jantz!!:)
Wow but companion is great! We love talking about the gospel! Almost too much! Last night when we pulled in our garage, we sat in the car just talking about Jesus for almost an hour. What better man to talk about? I love that she loves being a missionary! She is also a super speedy talker, which is great for when we are tracting. She is able to say a lot of stuff, really fast, and get their attention. I just smile and nod. Ha ha and pray that they are understanding everything she is saying. Hahaha she is wonderful!! I am so blessed to have her as my companion! and she's a runner! So we go running every morning. Woo hoo!! Burning off all that Tongan food!
Ed Campbell is getting closer to baptism!! His family is amazing, for the lessons we sit in a circle in their living room and its just awesome. The spirit is so strong, I love it! The tiniest, steps they take, are the biggest thing in the world to me!!! Aw and we bought Arissa a bracelet for her baptism and she wears it everyday:) Love that girl! She is bringing her family closer together. Its so incredible to see.
This week was the church open house, and we got some new investigators from it! Me and sister mottl set up our little missionary corner. Afterwards there was a huge celebration, lots of culture dances, I wish I could send you guys videos somehow?? Just picture lots and lots of tongan and hawaiian dancing, music and food.
Me and Sister Mottl just realized its fall? Haha hows the weather over there? Pretty leaves changing colors yet? Haha- same ol same ol here. Hot hot hot Lahaina...
Melissa (our Recent Convert) topped my week of yesterday when she told me, how she was sitting in her bed last night and realized that me and siser willis were old enough to be her kids and how weird it is that we have flipped her life upside down. (I agree) So she asked how that was possible, and I just said, " it was the spirit":)  Melissa grabbed my hand and looked me in the eye and just said "thankyou" It was the most sincere, and intense thankyou I have ever got. I am so grateful Heavenly Father brought us to her. 
I know that this church is true. I know that without Jesus Christ this whole plan Heavenly Father made for us to return to him, and have the happiness he has, would not be possible. I am so grateful for the Atonement and all that it can help us with in life. I have become a better person each day because of it. I admire the love Heavenly Father and Jesus have not only for each other, but for every single one of their children! I love telling people that they're heavenly Father loves them:) 
Family I love you all:) 
Pray for Ed Kaahui, Ed Campbell, Sybil, Kelii, Manuel.
Ohana No Ka Oi

Sister Olsen

Hahaha soemthang funny- we ordered Unko Joe granola strawberry smoothie bowl at Jamba juice and he goes- I dont eat bird seeds. Take my birds seeds off my smoothie. "unko joe its called granola!!" unko joe- "me no like that, birds seeds not my taste" So I had to eat all his bird seeds. hahaha i just about peed my pants. He's my favorite man. 

September 30, 2013 {Kaitlyn}

Wow, what a week. I just heard more in that letter than I ever expected to! Things are just crazy back at home. Don't worry though, all well go on for the better. It just might take some getting used to. The passing of grandma wasn't exactly the news everybody wants to here. I did tell President I had been expecting it, but you know me... I have the Holloran blotch. Ball baby!! I'm doing ok though, the phone calls was the worst of it because I knew exactly what it was when Hma Wallis said it was President. Luckily it was during personal study, so I got down on my knees and was amazed of the peace that came over me after that. She truly is in a better place, and she'll be with us every step of the way! Give my love to the family though(especially Grandpa). I hope all of you are doing alright. You're in my fasts and prayers!
Well, I thought that would be all the news this week... but boy was I wrong! Brandon and Whitney moving... wow I couldn't believe that one! I'm not going to lie... I wasn't too excited to hear that news. I know that they have to do what they need to do, and if that's what it is than we just have to make the best of it! I've been dreaming about watching the little sibling I've dreamt of having all my life! It's alright though, I'm sure between them coming here and us going there we will see each other lots! Mom you'll just have to steel the baby for a few months! ;) Haha or maybe Heather has something hiding from you?? ;) Haha
About the Visa, ya I don't really worry about whether or not I'll get it. I just wonder when?! All is well though... there are surely things I still need to be learning here if I am still here. The work is ALOT different. As far as baptisms, they're kind of slow here. As you can see. Kelcie and Cara both sent pictures and it looks so so fun! We're working though! Even if we aren't baptizing I guess our job is to plant the seed. I'm excited for Argentina to experience the different types of missionary work. I've heard great things! :) We went to a less actives house this week and they are both from Argentina. Oooo boy they got me SO excited!! It sounds amazing! After all the South mission is the safer of the Buenos Aires Missions. I don't know what I'm going to do when the world cup is on! People go crazy there!! They all watch it at school and everything! AWESOME! Ha and they were saying that the baptisms are crazy there! Like 20 a month! I've heard it has slowed down... but still. I'm super excited to see what it's like! :) I tried Mate and it's actually really good! I'd much rather be drinking that then a bunch of SODA! Ha but ya I am SOO excited!!!  
SARA!!!! That was the BEST surprise in the WORLD!! I was literally like screaming in my mouth! Hahaha ahhh I knew she'd do it :) She is going to do AMAZING!!!! She's prepared SOOO much! She's been telling me all these things she's been doing and I was like Wow sure wish I had prepared that much! (That's one of my biggest regrets... I don't think i realized just how lazy or something rather I was before!) I could have done so much more with the 3 months I had!! Oh well :) That's why I came here! I would have learned what I have if it weren't for coming on the mission.
This week has been pretty good! Nothing much has changed. Digna and Luis both came to church with their daughters so that was a GRAND breakthrough! They have a date for the 19th of October, so keep them in your prayers! :)
Conference. Oooo the general relief society meeting was SO GOOD!!! Being on the mission it means even more, and I didn't even know that was possible! It was surely weird not being in Utah for that though! Did the girls all go together??... Did you do anything before or after? Seriously the spirit that was felt in that meeting was amazing. I think that's the best confirmation I've ever felt that President Thomas S. Monson is our living prophet today. He is the mouthpiece of the Lord, and you truly can feel that in every word he speaks. Ooo I'm so excited for conference!!!!! Hna de Leon is making lunch for the whole ZONE both days. She is so darling. She's also feeds our whole district and a few others every sunday. She's the member every missionary wants to work with!
Well, I hope all is going well for you all (As well as it can be considering the circumstances). Keep your heads up high. We are never alone! When you feel like you can't stand anymore, kneel. Love you so much and know that you are always in my prayers!!!
P.S. Somehow I got volunteered to play the Piano at a missionary fireside. That being said I feel super bad cuz you just barely sent a package... :/ But would you be able to send me the music for the EFY MEdley? As sisters in Zion one? I'm so sorry... let me know if that is possible. The thing is next week so it would have to be probably today that you sent it. If not I can just tell them I'm not going to be able to! Let me know in a dads weekly letter or something. LOVE YOU!!

September 23, 2013 {Kaitlyn}

Hola familia!
Wow lots of ups and down moments for y'all this week!  I'll be keeping you all in my prayers! Continue finding in faith and all will be ok :) I'm sure you already are... I love hearing of all the wonderful things y'all are doing. My family is daa BEST! Haha Love you all :) Keep your head up!
Hmm so this week I don't recall too many specific stories I have... but it was a wonderful week! The Elders came to give one of our investigators a blessing, and they really appreciated that. It was AWESOME! What a blessing it is to have the priesthood so near to us in our lives. It is SOO powerful! It was amazing the spirit it brought into the home of this investigator. Immediately after her blessing she wanted her husband to receive one as well. The spirit was SOO strong. Then after that we had the best lesson ever because of that! :) It's really amazing how much the gospel blesses families. I have surely gained a testimony of that being on the mission. This family already seems to be so much happier just by listening to our message. Every time we come they are just so excited to learn more! We just need to get them coming to church. That has been rough... but today I think we found the real reason of what's holding them back. They have a mentally slower child that's 26 and for some reason will not let them bring the kids to church. The problem is that she is not willing to baby sit them either, so then the parents can't ever come. We told them we wanted to talk with her our next lesson, so hopefully we can say something to help. They're set for the 19th of October so they have to come these next 3 weeks! I really think they can do it, they seem to be getting more and more excited every time... so if they really want it they're going to work for it!
IT'S A MIRACLE!!! GABRIEL came to church! In the pictures I sent home this is the cute little old guy. He is HILARIOUS!  I love him! Anyway, he's a less active that we have been teaching since I got here and Hermana Wallis had even been working on them before that. He is so stinkin STUBBORN! Ha but he's so knowledgable, so once things click with him again he'll be the strongest member ever. Well, that's just what is happening! He came to church yesterday!! It was the best thing ever to see him walk in those doors! We had a lesson with him last night and he was talking about how he can feel the spirit as soon as he walks in the church doors. He was basically bearing testimony to us instead of us bearing testimony to him! Within no time he'll be reactivated :) He already committed to coming next week as well. And I think he's even going to stay for all 3 hours!! I really have such a strong desire to help the less actives.. our ward mission leader doesn't focus too much on them, but I sure feel like they are just as important as our investigators. It has been a blessing to watch the growth of them. :) He's going to the temple in a year!! That's our goal we've set for them at least, and I know it'll happen  He even admitted his biggest problem. He needs to be humbled. He's so funny. He's COMIN BACK!
Well, those were the most exciting things that happened this week... but of course we had plenty of other great things! We have so many people that are SO close. The work in Woodbridge is just going to explode anytime now! Se que esta iglesia es verdadera. Estoy bien agradecida por esta oppounidad a estar aqui en Virginia. El Senor sabia que necesitaba venir aqui porque en verdad he aprendido bastante lecciones. El senor vive. El es nuestra salvador y redentor. A traves el podemos ser limpiados y disfrutaremos las bendiciones de la vida eterna. Les amo mucho. Gracias por sus ejemplos a mi. Estoy bien bendicido a ser nacido de buenas padres. Les prometo que si ustedes sigan en fe, recibiremos las muchas bendiciones. Tenga buena Semana! Con amor, -Hermana Wright
Kim can practice her spanish ;) Haha love you! Have a wonderful week! :) And I found a happy little scripture that made me think of Grandma and Grandpa this week. Alma 46: 39, 41. What a blessing it is to have this knowledge that can bring us so much joy. The gospel brings us joy, and I know that to be true with all my heart! Love you all and have a fantastic week!

September 16, 2013 {Kaitlyn}


I've been out in the field 2 months tomorrow! Crazy eh? Hmm ok this letter is going to be ALL over the place because there were sooo many things that went on this week! I loved all your letters :)
Ok so first things first I forgot to tell you about one funny thing that happened. Ha you'll feel my pain mom. :) Haha so we had a talent show back in August, and during correlation our Ward Mission Leader asked if any of us had a talent. Well, my companion said oh ya Hermana Wright would LOVE to sing. She'll sing I am a Child of God. He starts writing it down and I was like NO she's kidding. They joke around about it for a little and then she ends up telling him that she was just messing. Well, we show up to the talent show and guess who was on the PROGRAM?! Ding ding ding. This little Hermana who can't sing or stand in front of people for the life of her! I about had a hard attack. Hahaha can you just imagine that sight? Not good. Although to the Hispanics I'm a fantastic singer. It's so funny... they can't hold a tune at all. They're so cute. But ya, that was quite the experience :) Haha
Ok so we were talking to this guy named Mario, and he was basically trying to convert us to his church. To sum up the story we agreed to going to his church if he came to ours. OHH my goodness it was the craziest thing I've ever been to! You know how I hate loud noises... it is screaming the whole time. You have to scream to hear over the band. The whole time people were yelling Amen, Hallelujah, Mmmhmm! ya it's VERY interesting. On top of that they had a greeting time where everybody just goes around hugging people. Ha 5 men tried hugging me and I awkwardly had to put my hand in between because they couldn't hear me saying I can't hug them! I was on the outside of the bench so I had the worst of it. Hna. Wallis had it easy. Anyway, that was quite the experience! All I can say is if that was the true church, I think I'd be damned (scriptural language don't worry)... cuz it just stressed me out being there! It sure made me grateful for our peaceful church!
A bit of sad news now. A lady in our ward has cancer, and it's getting pretty bad. She showed up Wednesday to our scripture class and her hair was gone. :( She's going through Chemo. Everybody was just bawling, including her 6 year old daughter. She's just not doing so well. It was one of the harder things I've had to watch. This woman is AMAZING. I just wish there was more we could do for her! Yesterday was her bday and so we made her a strawberry cake on her request. She has never had a party before! So we went over there and celebrated with her. How heart breaking to watch her degrading so quickly.
EXCHANGES! We had exchanges with the sister training leaders this week and boy was that great! I was completely in charge of the area! I even had to talk on the phone!  Usually I don't ever do that unless it's an English speaker. I was a bit nervous at first, but it went great! I was with Hna. Moon and she is the BEST! She's the missionary I want to become. She makes missionary work so FUN! (Quick side note... poor girl had to find out about my sleep walking the hard way.  I guess she moved a tiny bit and I SHOT up. I went into the bathroom turned on the water and just let it run for like 3 minutes. She said sorry to me and I just laid back down without saying a word. Haha that's when she realized I was not awake. My poor companions... Ayy ayyaNYWAY...) Usually I'm a little bit timid to talk to people when knocking, but she made me LOVE it! It made me super excited to get to that point. The lessons all went wonderful and it was all great! At the end of the night I had no idea what to do cuz we only had about 15 minutes. She didn't know what to do cuz she doesn't know the area at all. We decided to say a prayer and wow isn't revelation AMAZING?! At the end I instantly knew that we needed to see somebody who we've tried seeing multiple times. She's never en casa... but guess what?! She was there!! We had another lesson with her this morning, and she's on her way to being reactivated! Not literally.. but I'm super excited about her so I hope so! Then on Saturday we were put in a similar situation. We felt like we should go knocking, but it was FREEZING outside and it was already late. Well, nonetheless we decided to go for it. I was thinking where should we knock? When suddenly we turn the corner and a Hispanic came walking out of his house. Coincidence? NO WAY! The Lord works miracles! I think he had been waiting for us all day. He's super nice, and he needs this gospel! It was AMAZING! Truly I have learned SO much about personal revelation, and following the spirit. The Lord knows best, so learn how to recognize the promptings of the spirit. Sometimes I'm not the best, but I'm learning! It's the best feeling ever to see the miracles that come from it.
Well, today we had a pretty successful week. Last week we had 6 people at church!! We were thinking we would have it again, but unfortunately we didn't. 2 people fell off date that we thought were doing super well, so we'll have to see about that. We had an amazing lesson with one of our investigators (Luis). He's passing through quite a few trials in life with his family and such and the lesson had him crying. Hno. Mazanis gave him a blessing at the end and boy was that good. Teresa didn't make it to church this week but the lesson went fantastic once again! She's darling, and I continue to hope and pray that she receives the answer that this is the one and only TRUE church. 

June 27, 2013 {Kaitlyn}


WOW!! This week was the best!! There are soooo many things I could say!! :) I'll start with the most exciting. :) SUNDAY! Was that not the coolest thing you've ever experienced! You guys should be jealous because being in the MTC during that time made it a thousand times better! :) The spirit was truly amazing that day. A few missionaries in our district passed the sacrament to the prophets and apostles, and one sister had the opportunity to sing in a small choir for their sacrament meeting. They've been here lots the past week because all the mission presidents have been here since Saturday. Although I didn't ever see any of them, I definitely could feel the spirit while they were here! I felt like it was christmas eve waiting for that broadcast to begin! :) Haha That was the coolest thing in the world! I have so many things that I could tell you I loved about that, but I won't because you all heard it as well. Just know that I loved it, and it really shows how amazing this gospel is. We all play a HUGE part in missionary work whether on a mission or not. It is going to be amazing what our church can do now, because the responsibility has definitely increased. We as missionaries are surely being prepared for this, and now all members will be as well. We ran into some missionaries that have been testing out the internet missions, and they have had so much success! They have baptized people from all over the world just through talking on facebook and skype! They said that their retention rates have been higher as well! Awesome huh?? I hope you all were hit by the messages we were given as much as I was. IT IS AWESOME to be a missionary at this time! I have no doubt that this is where I am supposed to be. I LOVE IT HERE! :) Those words weren't so true the first 4 days, but they are beyond true now! I thought that the first sunday was amazing? No, then another week came around and I was even better! Now this week came around, with SOOO many great devotionals and I absolutely LOVE it here! The work is still hard, but it's 120% worth it!
Now, onto after the meeting on Sunday. Woahhh. I walk out of the doors to see SARA?! She was the last person I'd be expecting to see there, because I figured it would be full of ward mission leaders and stuff. I was SHOCKED! Ya I literally screamed. Ha woops. :) Haha It was the best thing ever! I'm so so happy that I had that opportunity. I just had to tell her in person that I don't have time and can't explain every reason of why she should go on a mission... but just to GO! I know Kim was disappointed that she didn't get to be there, but Sara can just transfer the message. Kenz, Sara, Kim!! YOU GUYS ALL SHOULD GO!!! :) I promise you that you would not regret a second of your decision. And I promise you that you do not need to stress about not knowing everything. The Lord blesses you as long as you're giving your all. I can promise you that that statement is the truth! Put all your faith in the Lord from the day you decide to start your papers, and he will guide you through the whole way. Satan will try and tell you other wise, but don't let down and he will leave. Trust me. I surely experienced Satan the first few days of being here, but now there is no time for him to be here! I'm immerged in the Lord's work and he cannot be a part of that. :) Ok... now to my next surprise! First Jake told me that my parents said they were coming. I said What?? They told me that they will be going to the Stake Center. So the whole meeting I was confused, but just dropped it. Then when I saw Sara she told me that you guys WERE here! I couldn't believe it! Brother Burns said you don't want to see them, so you better get going. Sooo I quickly talked to Sara and off I went! Don't worry mom, I was crying tears of shock/joy... nothing about that meeting made me sad! I was SOO excited to see my best friend, without breaking the rules, cuz I wasn't trying to see her. :) Then I'm on my way back to the MTC talking about how crazy it is that my parents are somewhere super near me, but I'm not seeing them. Right before crossing the street I spot the truck. I knew it had to be it because it had the green and purple pin stripe. I asked my companion if she thought it would be bad to write a note and she said no. I quickly ran over there to put it on the windshield but was a bit confused cuz I remembered our truck being taller. I couldn't decide if I should leave it! Then I didn't know if I was breaking the rules. Haha so then my training leader was like WHY wouldn't you?! So I ran over there to put it back on and I see out of the corner of my eye what I thought to be mom ducking behind a car. I said to the sisters I'm pretty sure my parents are over there! Is it bad if I give them a hug?! She said of course NOT! SO I SPRINTED on over! :) It was SO GREAT to see you! You read my note wrong, because I was saying I thought it would be hard for mom to see me! But I'm glad it wasn't! :) I told my comp that I felt like that was good for her because she saw how happy I truly am! :) I LOVE YOU GUYS! I'm so grateful that I saw you, and did it without breaking the rules! :) LOVE YOU LOVE YOU!
Ok, I only have 10 more minutes so I'm not going to be able to share everything. But the next best thing was Tuesday night devotional. It was Sister Janice Kapp Perry. IT WAS UNBELIEVABLE! We sang a Medley of her songs and you could feel the spirit so strongly! Her husband is the cutest man alive!! He gets up and says: "Hi, I'm Brother Janice Kapp Perry." :) So cute! Then she told a story about how she was practicing the clarinet one time and he came up and said "Those lips look like they were made for something more than the clarinet." Hahaha the man who can barely talk leaps out of his seat and gives her a smooch right on there in front of all of us! And then another. HILARIOUS! Next, she made a family song for there family and sang it. It was so cute! He jumps up sings his little line of "I LOVE YOU" does a little jig and sits back down! I was dying, it was the cutest meeting ever! She sung her testimony through a song, and the spirit was so strong!! Lastly, at the end of the meeting we all sang the EFY Medley, except they have created a new one for us missionaries. Including the lyrics "we are NOW the world's missionaries." It is such a powerful rendition to sing! If you can look it up you definitely should! By the end of the song we had half of the marriott full of missionaries standing and singing this loud and proud. The spirit was beaming! We weren't supposed to have a devotional review, but our district asked if we could. It was amazing. One of our elders just came into the room saying how grateful he was for the sisters and that we are the mothers of the army of helaman, now serving missions. We are enlisted. Wow it was so powerful! Then my favorite counselor told us three times in his testimony. To Him, it pleases Him. Wowww the spirit was so strong! I LOVE IT HERE!
I wish I had more time, but time is out. I'll try to write a little more in my letter to mom. I probably don't have time for other letters to the fam today cuz I want to write the girls. :) It is amazing here! The language is coming well! Somehow my teacher told another that I have improved the most, so I got interviewed on how I've come about the language. It's amazing what you can learn with the Lord behind you! It's so important to not compare yourself with others, and to just try your best! The Lord is always by your side! I LOVE THIS PLACE! This church is abosutely amazing! I have learned more in 2 weeks than I have in my whole entire life!!! Thanks to everyone who has helped me get here! :) 

June 24, 2013 {Cara}

After Another Wonderful Week... :)

Family! I love you all! And I heard Yellowstone was this week! I hope it was a great, fun, spiritual, uplifting experience as always!! I miss you all!!
This week we did something called, "mini missionaries" So I was pretty much training!! We had Sister Niuila, who just graduated high school, and is going on her mission pretty soon. She was SO FUNNY!!! Hahah never laughed harder. I miss laughing so hard with Abby- so it was nice to do that again!:) She's a big Tongan, and she taught me how to eat, sleep, act, and dance like a Tongan. I was like- dangg girl.
It was fun being able to train. I was so freaked out at first about having to be on my own, but everything turned out great!:) I know a lot more then I thought I did! Its just like how dad taught us to swim by throwing us in the water... I'm learning how to be a better missionary by training after two weeks!!
Mom- Thanks so so so much for the clarks. I wear them every single day (the brown ones we ended up getting last minute)
Hahaha Lahaina just got a round about put in the other day, and everyones has SUCH a fascination about it. Its the big talk around here.. so funny.
So one of my favorite things is missionary correlation. OHH my heck. haha we have it at Uncle Joes house (the one that speaks pigeon) and he lives on the beach. Like literally one the beach!! His house is on the sand.. I was like... this is the coolest thing I have seen in my life. His kitchen, bathroom.. outside on the sand. So we have our meetings with him on the beach and watch the sun set. Yeah... missionary correlation is always a good time.
A MIRACLE that has happened this week... We have been trying to reach this family of 5 every. single. day. But since its summer- they're never home (no one is ever home in the summer) So FINALLY we went to their house after a longgg hard day... and I was just praying so hard that they'd be home... Turns out.. the mom was home. Turns out- she has been searching for a church her whole life, and she is confused why all the churches are so different. Yep. We were pretty pumped. We set a return appointment, and when we came, she was outside with her book of Mormon siting on her chair ready to hear our message. WOW. It was so incredible. I've never been so excited!! I cant wait to go back and teach her:) 
I love being a missionary. I love teaching! I love all these people and love seeing them progress and strengthen their relationship with their heavenly Father. I'm doing it as well! I love you Mom and Dad! Thanks for being amazing parents:)
~Sister Olsen

Monday, October 28, 2013

Authors Note

Today I came to a realization. It is going to become impossible to catch up going at the "post every few day" rate. So my solution is to begin "blog overload" until I am all caught up. Be prepared for a lot of stories and a lot of sister missionary enthusiasm  'cause it all coming at you at once!

With love,

The blogger missionary fab five member
(I try to make myself feel better giving myself a title like this while all my friends are sacrificing 18 months out around the world ;)

Here's a small update with me through the thousands of words pictures can piece together:

Stairway to Heaven

3,922 steps later....

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

June 17, 2013 {Cara}

Ok family who i love oh so so much. I apologize for my rushed letter last week. Hopefully this one will be better:) Lets begin with the important stuff first. 1- I ate horse. 2- I had ribs for the first time (and got made fun of because i didn't know how to eat it) 3- I got splashed by the ocean 4- i eat meat so much now. Hahaha I figured dad would be proud about that. But ok ok now for real-
I just want to say that I love being a missionary. I love it more then anything I have ever done! This week I started out really frusterated with all the lessons that have been getting cancelled. It gave us a lot of personal study time, because my companion isn't into tracting... so that really frusterated me, but then I realized as I have been studying, and learning, and strengthening my own testimony more and more each day.. I am converting the most important person on my mission... MYSELF!! Ya that blew my mind. My mission president made me realize that I cant convert beyond my own conversion. Which is so true. And I have been gaining such a love for this gospel its just building and building! I love how it all just makes so much sense. There is no way that none of this could not be true. And if you have any doubts that it is- then your not putting enough effort into reading and studying the Book of Mormon. I know with all my heart that Jesus Christ lived and died for us. I know that this is HIS church. He established it. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and restored the gospel and brought it back to the earth. I know that Heavenly Father loves us SO much that He gave us things on this earth to help us return to him. He didn't just drop us offf and say- K peace out! Meetcha on the other end! Good luck kid! ..... No. He gave us prophets, families, The Book of Mormon, and most importantly he gave us the gift of the Holy Ghost.All to use in the life to help us return to him. I know all of this sounds so familiar and simple, but I dont think that I've ever before would have been able to say that with meaning behind it. I KNOW that, that is all true. I cant wait to strengthen my testimony in the next year and a half!:)
A really cool experience that happend this week was with Don-mike. Don-mike is a member, but his family isn't.. he's inactive and wont come to church, and its going to take us getting him to start coming back to church, in order to get his family baptized. Don-mike is somewhat difficult to get to come to church. He loves the book of mormon, loves to pray.. KNOWS the gospel is true. And has a STRONG love for Heavenly Father. Why wont he just come to church?? Ya- we dunno. Sister Willis said her and her old companion have been trying for weeks to get him to come but nothing works. SO- we were walking by his house one day and I said, "Lets go by Donmikes house and remind him about church" my companion said no. So I asked again, and again, because I really felt like we needed to stop by. So we did, and he came out and starting talking about how he loved Heavenly Father and loves the book of Mormon, Sister willis invited him to come to church and he just said, no- I dont want to (he just doesn't think he needs to.. idk why??) So I said a little prayer and asked Heavenly Father to help me know what to say to this man to help him understand the importance of church. I waited for him to finish talking (people here talk alooot- its really difficult to get what you want to say in) and when there was a break... i then I asked, "Don mike, how can you SHOW your love and graditude for Jesus Christ, beside reading your scriptures and praying?" It was crazy, for the first time ever, Donmike couldn't say anything back, he got very flustered, couldn't find words and was just going "I dont know!.. I dont know!! How?! Sister Olsen How?? Hmmm....?" I said, "You can show your love for him by worshipping him and using the of the sacrifice he made in your life by partaking of the sacrament." It all a sudden like clicked with him. He went off for like 5 minutes "I'm so enlightened right now! I never thought of it that way.... Wow- just give me a minute i need to take this in." Inside I was so confused because i'm thinking - Dude how many times has sister Willis explained that to you...? But it was SO INCREDIBLE to see him come to know the importance of church. The spirit was there and it was so cool. I was glad that my oh so simple question- led him to such a big 'enlightment' So hopefully we can get him to start coming to church!! Prayer works:)
Second miracle- Moleka is a 15 year old girl who really wants to get baptized but cant find an answer.. and wants a strong answer before she commits. So during our lesson I got the impression to kneel right then and say a prayer. So I asked if we could, and she was really nervous and didn't want to do it. So i asked if I said one first, would she mind going after me- and asking if getting baptized was what she needed to do. So in her kitchen us 3 all knelt down on the floor and prayed. After we did that that spirit was SO strong! Sweet Moleka was crying, saying she knows she knows she needs to get baptized! Wow So cool. Prayer works guys- it really works.
I love you all and Dad HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!! Sunday was really hard- ha listening to everyone talk about their dads. I hope you know that I wouldnt be out here- working hard if it wasn't for you! Thanks for your strong testimony, it has strengthened mine SO much!! I hope you got my letter I sent last week. I love you so much!!!
Shout out to poppop- My companion is from alabama and is a huuuge Roll Tide fan:)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

June 10, 2013 {Cara}

We matched and thought it was so funny. Haha... and my mtc teachers who are so awkward with pictures. They taught me soooo so so much and I dont know what I'd do without them.

(Not sure if I just happened to misplace Cara's other MTC letters or what, but this letter just skips right on into when she's on the island. Enjoy! ~Kenzie)

Wow. I love being a missionary. I am so blessed to be out here doing the Lords work. Holy stinkin cow, it hard though. I had no idea. Everyday feels like a week... but every week feels like a day. Crazy. I'm in Lahaina District in Maui! I love our apartment, its right next to the beach! So i get to go to bed listening to the waves:) Every morning we go to the beach park and I sit on a tree on the beach. AH! The sand is inches away... crazy.
This week was a record high week! We had 36 lessons. Hahaha everyone called us freaking out (missionaries) Sister Wilis blames it on me, because ''I talked to everyone" Sister Wilis will be in the car backing out, and I'll talk to people in the parking lot, so she'll have to park and come out and talk with me. But its great!! Because they're all really interesting and now we have more investigators!!
We are in a hard area, its new. And we need investigators. Everyyyone here is catholic, buddist, or goes this big anti-mormon church... wasn't expecting that. BUT the people here are SOOO humble. Wow. I feel like I am in a 3rd world country. Jk. Never been to one... but its pretty poor here, and people live in the tiniest shacks, and they are so so grateful for it. There's also no stores here... and you can only drink bottled water. And bananas are $1.29 a pound. Milk is $7 a gallon, so me being lactose intollerant isn't a problem or big deal for any of the members here when they feed us dinner. OH - i had my first ribs yesterday night. hahaha i didn't know how to eat it so i struggled, and the dad made fun of me. But it was all good.
They also speak Pigeon. (Ward mission president) He'll be talking to me and i go........ what...? Like ten times... then i have to look at my companion to translate. Hawaii is a very high baptism place. Our goal this month is 200!!
Haha my companion is great. She is from alabama, 19 and been out for 3 months! She's training me, and guess what. I'll be training in 5 weeks. Freaky!! I got 2 people to commit to baptism!! YIPPEE. I love it. I love feeling heavenly fathers love for the people here. I had a cool experience the other day, I had a feeling i needed to grab a spanish book of mormon, and guess what, the last house we stopped at only spoke spanish. Guess thats what it was for!!:) 
We had a MIRACLE happen yesterday. We ran into a family whose dad is less active, and his wife and 5 kids who have family night every monday and they all love the church, and are wanting to get baptized one day. YEP!! I'm already picturing them getting sealed in the temple. I cant wait to teach them tonight!!
My companion isn't big on emailing, so sorry we have to go. And sorry I totally rushed this email. Yikes! K I love you all!! Mom thanks for the fruit leathers, I DOWNED them. Thanks for letters too!! Makes me sooo happy you have no idea!! I love you all so much!!
Sister - this is what I've been called (White Generous sister, Fair-Skinned, and Holy Ghost) Haha Sister- Olsen:)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

June 5, 2013 {Kaitlyn}

If it wasn't hard enough to see Cara leave, the days flew by and it was Kaitlyn's time to leave.

Two down. 
Little did we all know there was still 2 more to go!