Sunday, May 4, 2014

April 29, 2014 {Cara}

The Lovely Olsen's,

First things first... Jantz. Thankyou so much for the email. Hahaha I love reading his letters. I love reading all of your guys' letters. 
Hmm... I'm not sure what to say in this email...

Well this week was Merrie Monarch. Which is like the Hula Olympics. People from all around the world come to compete. Hilo was so packed busy! Saturday there was a parade that we went to with 2 of our investigators. Louise and Lucy! Afterwards Sister Vanderhave invited us all over for pizza. Perfect fellowship! We found out she was a perfect fellowhship as we started the lesson for Louise on the Word of Wisdom and it went from "bringing a member to help us teach" to "teaching a member and investigator together" Hahaha it was the most interesting lesson! I'm realizing more and more that its not just the non-members that need to hear the lessons and the basics, but members too! I hope you all are taking on the challenge given in General Conference, and are studying Preach My Gospel. Keep it simple. 

Cynthia is amazing. We had a few lessons with her!! You guys!! It's incredible, she loves the Joseph Smith already! Her prayers are the most sincere prayers I have heard in a very long, long time. My absolute favorite thing said was, "I'm so grateful to hear this message, because I know so many people in the world dont get to hear about this boy Joseph Smith." She is the sweetest marshalese lady in the world. She came to church and decided that she wanted to stay longer then one hour.... she stayed all 3!! Hahaha.... Sister Buckner and i always hesitate when non-members want to stay for Gospel Principles class. LOL. Because the teacher, Sister Kekauoha is from Waipio Valley..... which means, she's very straight up. Says it how it is. No beating around the bush... This week we are going to clear up some things with Cynthia on outer darkness, fast Sundays (no your not suppose to starve every sunday), and the millenium.... The Gospel is so simple you guys. Stick to the basics with your non member friends:) It was just so so funny hahaha

The Domingos came to church on their OWN! No need calling, or rides:) The dad and 2 kids. That feeling Sister Buckner and I get when we are on opposite sides of the chapel before sacrament starts, greeting people, and we look up and see our investigators walk in, Louise, Cynthia, Darrell, Kiruu, Domingos..... and then we look over at each other with the biggest eyes, then we hurry and attack them with a hug. I LOVE THEM!!:) I love church!! Sometimes I just wish I could stand on top of the big tourists buses they have here with a big giant mega-phone and say, "Come to church, this way, come feel the spirit! Come partake in the free gift that has been given to you. Come feel the spirit! Come closer the your Heavenly Father. He misses you guys! Come Come!"
If they only knew.

I hope you guys are still doing awesome missionary work and setting examples to those around you. My favorite quotes is ....

"Act in a manner, so that those who dont know Christ, but know you, will want to know Christ because they know YOU."

We all have been given a special gift from Heavenly Father. A gift that no one else has or can give, but this gift that has been given to us, is not ours to keep. We are all here as instruments. We are the Lords hands. We all are here to strengthen each other. The love we have and develop for our Savior Jesus Christ is a gift, and it isn't given to us to stay and sit and rest in our hearts. The love for our Savior is given to us to give away. We are not only building and growing and nourishing our testimonies for ourselves, we are doing it for each other. For our brother or sister, friends, and cousins, strangers and family. I know that that is true, Heavenly Father knows all His children. He's in the very details of our lives, and He knows every single person we come in contact with. He knows that person you bumped into, and the lady working the cash register. So I invite you guys to give the gifts you've all been given. Give and show others the love you have for the Savior. Be an example of Him everywhere you go and to everyone you see. Show a smile, aknowledge their presence, give someone a compliment. Step out of your comfort zone and share your gifts and be and answer to someones prayer:) No worries I'm working on it to0! 

This week was M.L.C. (MIssionary Leadership Correlation) So we flew to Oahu again for another meeting. Sister Buckner, me, and the Zone Leaders. It was good! LONG day. We woke up at 3:30 a.m. caught a flight at 6:00 arrived at 8:00 in Honolulu. Meeting was 6 hours long... then we flew back last night, bed at 10:30. Then in the morning we had one hour to prepare a training on everything we learned in MLC with the missionaries in our Zone.
So we just finished that a couple hours ago. It's cool, I dont get as nervous as I was before. Actually it was really cool. I love being Sister Trainer now! I feel like everyone is training me! We stand in the front and train, and the feedback and comments we get back, are so awesome. I'm always like , "yeah, thats so true, your right........" and then I can go off what they said. Its really great. I mean from being the person who would skip class just so I didn't have to stand up in front of the class for a presenation..... to now, giving trainings on all the missionaries on the Island.... I have become more and more grateful for Heavenly Fathers help!! (p.s.- ignore that confession just made;) 
"The Lord is preparing us in a world to go to a Kingdom." - President Warner. I know that, that is true. I know the goal. lt is the Celestial Kingdom. I know who is there.It is our Heavenly Father. I know the purpose. It is true Happiness. I know how to get there. Living the The Gospel. I know the way. Our Savior Jesus Christ. He is the way, and Because of Him we can make it! We have hope and peace. I love Him. I love you! I love you. I love you. I love you. I love Jorgen and his faithful prayers. I love Gavin and his joy for life. I love Alyssa and her determination to always improve. I love Aaron for his righteousness of covenant keeping. I love Dad and the blessings he's brought our family with his faith. I love Jantz and his knowledge he has on the importance of loving everyone. I love Abby and her spirit that lights up the room. I love Mom and her example she has on sharing her gifts. I also love her because she's held us all together. 
Just keep having good days:) If everyday is not a good day, something needs to change. I'm going to quote Silas. Because I feel like he is such an amazing missionary, he needs to be quoted. I remember he would always say, at the most RANDOM times,  "Today is the best day ever." I would kinda nod my head, but then I'd say, ".......why?" Silas would respond with an even more enthusiatic reply, "It's just the best day EVER!!" Hahaha it's so true. Everyday is the best day ever you guys, lets all just find out why:)
Have the best day ever!! 
Love you!!
Sister Cara Ann Olsen
P.s.- Mom thankyou so much for $$ in account. Umm... I totally forgot to ask you last week....... but the reason why I brought up my current health problem is because I was wondering if its ok for me to go spend $90 on massage therapy? It's my Branch President who does it... He worked on my back a couple weeks ago, and ever since he worked on it, I've gotten better. The doctors still have not called back, but he scheduled to work on my back again, next Monday. Is that ok?? I think after one more time, I should be ok. He says that my back is effecting my neck, which is what is effecting chest, which is causing my breathing thing. If you can respond soon, I have permission to check my email again later this week, and I can know. Thanks. I cant wait to tlk to you soon too:) 

April 28, 2014 {Kaitlyn}

Holaaa! Uhhh I think I´m missing some shout outs. I think it may have been your anniversary? But I´m a terrible daughter and don´t really remember when. The 23rd? Also give Nana my love because I believe that it was the anniversary of Papa´s death. Aren´t we lucky to have the gospel that gives us the reassurance that we will see them again. :) 

This family has seriously been CRAZY! We had entrevistas with President which was fun. I don´t feel like we get to see him too often so that´s always a fun treat. He and his wife are so great! His wife said that sometimes she calls the parents just to tell them how their kids are doing... so if you´re lucky maybe sometime she will call ya´ll! :) 

Well this week was seriously mentally exhausting. My comp and I are kind of dying a little bit... but it´s all settling down a bit more. Sooo I told you all about Nohelia last week. Well, Monday night we went to say goodbye to her because we thought she was leaving. Well, she backed out again. She said she has nowhere to go. We didn´t have much time but we decided to share a little scripture and in the end we eneded up talking alot about her safety. She started crying because she was afraid of Patricio. He was out drinking that night and she was worried about what he would do to her. As we left that night we both felt a bit strange. The thought of a dream that she had shared with us about her 2 kids calling for her came to my mind. We weren´t exactly sure why... but we kept on with the night. Well Tuesday we stopped by to see how she was doing but nobody was home and then we traveled to have our entrevistas. Wednesday we were informed that Monday night she had been cut or stabbed by her husband and was in the hospital. 

We went to visit her immediately and the situation was far worse than we thought. She explained the story that she had seen death and thought that she was going to live with her dad (who had passed away). She could feel the warm blood draining from her body and new that this might be the end... but then she heard her 5 year old son saying ¨don´t die¨. She told him to offer a prayer and end ïn the name of Jesus Christ amen¨ He said a prayer asking to protect his mom and not let her die. Then her mom told him to grab her phone and dial 911. He tried but he didn´t know the numbers. Instead he ran out of the house screaming at the top of his lungs. Luckily her brother and law who lives in front heard and came running over. 20 minutes later the ambulance arrived. She had lost so much blood and she is already super skinny. Miracle that she is still living and recovering super well. Her son is going to need therapy but seems to be forgetting about it a little bit. Every prayer her two kids ask that daddy won´t kill mommy. Quite a sad story, but quite miraculous. There is so much more detail, but this will give you a glimpse of our week. As she shared the story with us we began to cry as we recognized that the spirit had testified to us that something was going to happen this night. She asked us in the moment if we had felt something because Monday night she thought we had thought something was going to happen. The crazy thing is that we really did. It´s amazing that we didn´t feel bad that we didn´t do something more to help, but I think she needed this. She is now ready to start her new life. It´s going to be a hard trial, but her testimony has grown so much through each and every part of it. 

We have visited her every day since. Soon she´ll be in capital and we´re going to help her get associated with the church there. We also have heard many times that she is a liar which was hard to hear cuz we have developed a great love for her. We are hoping that she really does want this change. I believe that she does. Patricio is in jail and she always said that he was holding her back, so now is her time. She needs to find a man that will treat her with respect and then be married in the temple.

Well I´m just about out of time and I wasted it all in one story. We also talked with Monica about her baptismal date of the 31st. She still hasn´t received an answer but she is feeling a bit more confident about it. I think that in her heart she already knows. It´s going to happen :) I know it. I always leave this house with a smile. This family is the best! Hahaha the cute little 7 year old shared a scripture that she had found and liked because her mom had done that the week before. Then I showed them the scripture in 2 Nefi 5:27 and they smiled at that. Hahaha and then the other little girl said ooo and I love the next one. It said something like "änd they arrived in Jerusalem" hahahaha I seriously almost started dying laughing. Hahaha cutest thing ever. Both of the scriptures didn´t say much of anything... but they just get so excited about reading el Libro de Mormon. Hahaha Love them so much.

Love you all so much! I´m looking forward to talking to ya´ll in two weeks. Wow, how crazy! Hey let me know how Sara is doing! Kim is tearing it up. I can´t even believe how well she is doing! My friends are beasts! Love you all! Have an amazing week! :) Transfers next week... if I don´t email you will know why. I´m sure I´ll have time but just incase. LOVE YOU! Say hello to Nana for me cuz I had no idea that she was in the house! Is she going to be there for when i call? 

April 28, 2014 {Kim}

Hey. Well i just want to start off by saying that you should all be proud of me. Im a true Mexican. Besides the fact that i cant speak spanish haha. But This sista ate 22 tacos the other day in one sitting. I beat and set the record that any missionary has that has been here. hahaha. I was going to eat 24 but my companion wouldnt let me...she stole em from me and ate them so i couldnt... cuz i was dying a little bit. But be proud. Cuz im proud of myself for such a grand accomplishment. Hahaha #HechoenMexico
Well lets get real here. This week has been crazy. Well on saturday we had an awesome service project. We went with tonnns of missionaries and members and other volunteers and cleaned up this hug park that is nasty. Its like a drug/drinking hang out but they want to change it into a park for kids. So there were a lot of nasty things that we had to clean up. We had to have Hazmat bags.  but it was so fun. I love doing service. And we have seen some pretty cool miracle this week... We got a referral last week and we went and gave the wife a book of mormon last week but she didnt have time to talk with us right then and wouldnt set up a specific day that we could see her...but we decided to stop by the other night and she let us right in. They are awesome. The husband is already in 2 Nephi... Ha what. and she loved learning about the book of mormon and loved the hymns. wanted us to sing more. haha. But They are so awesome and will be baptized. Also our investigator, Josie still doesnt really have much desire to change but she still wants it for her little girls. They are literally the cutest humans in this planet. But we called her yesterday and she said that she has noticed a change in her daughters since we have been meeting with them. That they are more peaceful and such. So sweet. They are only 4 and 7 but they are setting an example for their mom. They pray now and everything. soooo cute. Well we also had a bummer with our investigator China. She and her husband (Hes a member) have been having problems. and she said the other day that she was just listening for him and going to church for him. But i know that she has a testimony. she loves reading the book of mormon and loves when we come over. She just still cant recognize her answers and its super frustrating because i love her sooooo much. I seriously love these people so much. Start praying that i stay in this area because i cannot leave this area. I dont want to leave. And i dont want to leave Sister Solomon. This transfer has literally just flown by. Well this week has also been crazy because Sister Solomon has been getting worse with her health. She has beeen so exhausted and she just isnt herself and loses just every ounce of energy she has alll of the sudden and gets super confused and her vision goes blurry and gets dizzy. And its been happening Alllll the time now. And her pulse changes all the time. Im so worried about her. We went back to the doctor today and he thinks that it could be something with her heart. So pray for her and pray that we can figure out the problem and fix it. I hate seeing her sick. Its the worst. Well I dont have much time. I gotta email president. But i love you all so much. Have a fantastic week.
Love,  Your favorite missionary,
Hermana Josse 
Read Alma 60. Its the best. Apply it to today.
Hasta Luego.

April 22, 2104 {Kim}

Heyyyy. Well guess what? Yesterday we had an all mission conference and Elder L. Tom Perry came! He's good friends with President Jeppson and Sister Perry is President Jeppsons Cousin. It was awesome! We first all got to go up and shake his and and talk to him and then he talked to us for a while and then we did a question and answer session. He's the greatest. i cant believe he is 91 years old. does not even look like it whatsoever. It was way cool though. He talked alot about the priesthood. Yesterday was way good. we went to try and contact a referral we had received from some other misisonaries but the house number was wrong so we couldnt find her but we met a man that is way awesome and he asked us for a book of mormon! I know we were suppose to be there at that moment for that reason. I am starting to have an obsession with the war chapters in Alma. Before i just thought they were super long and repetitive. Like come on people just stop fighting. get real. haha. but there is so much to learn from them. 2 of my favorites Alma 49:20 This chapter is when Moroni is preparing his people to defend the cause of the christians. "Thus they were prepared, yea, a body of their strongest men, with their swords and their slings, to smite down all who should attempt to coe into their pace of security by the place of entrance; and thus were they prepared to defend themselves against the lamanites." How were they prepared? How can we become spiritually prepared? Alma 49:24 - "there were about fifty who were wounded, who had been exposed to the arrows of the lamanites through the pass, but they were shielded by their shields and their breastplates and their headplates, insomuch that their wounds were upon their legs, many of which were very severe" We need to put on our breastplates and shields. We do this by doing the things we need to be doin. daily scripture study, church...etc. If we are doing this then we will be prepared. we will be prepared to overcome any challenge that is thrown at us any temptation. If we are prepared there is not any wound or challenge that we cant heal or overcome. #TeamMoroni also i really love 3 Nephi 27:21 "Verily, Verily, i say unto you, this is my gospel; and ye know the things that ye must do in my curch; for the works which ye have seen me do that shall ye also do; for that whcih ye have seen me do even that shall ye do." I like this a lot related to enduring to the end. Jesus Christ endured to the end. He didnt just attempt the atonement. He did it. He completed it. He completed the most unthinkable act. there is no problem or challenge or trial that  we cant overcome. We have seen him endure "for the works wich ye have seen me do that shall ye also do"
Well i am praying that i still get another transfer here in passaic because i am in love with the people and my companion. its very unlikely but i want it so bad. Haha my companion and i are so alike its so funny. and we argue but its super funny. haha. But we have seriously had some of the most amazing comp studies ever and amazing talks at night. haha its super funny because i am tryin to help her work on not being prideful and she is trying to help me be confident. haha. I love her. and yesterday was awesome. at the mission confernce with elder Perry i got to sit by sister Garn as well as with sister solomon. So that was a good day. I love my comps. Well i dont have much time but i love you all sooo so much. have a fantastic week!
Love, Hermana Josse

April 22, 2014 {Kaitlyn}

Wow, I don´t really know where to start because I only have about 45 minutes to do emails today.... SOO why am I wasting time to write that? Down to the point. This week was GREAT. I have such a terrible memory though so I´m going to try and remember why.

Starting with Wednesday. Wednesday was the craziest day in the world because about a million things went, well, wrong. We talked with a less active (Nohelia) and she´s in a terrible situation with her husband (Patricio) who has a problem with drugs. They always are having problems within their relationship and they have the two most precious kids in the world. She has tried leaving quite a few times, but always ends up returning. It´s quite a dangerous situation because he is abusive as he is doing all sorts of drug. NOTE: Today, wednesday they both want to change that. Now onto the good news of wednesday we set Joana on date. It was our first lesson with her and when we entered she didn´t believe much in God. We had an amazingly inspired lesson and by the end she made the decision that she wants to be baptized. It´s quite a ways in the future but she wants to be baptized! :) June 25 is the date but we´re going to try moving it up. 

Thursday, things are a bit odd with Patricio today. We talked with Nohelia and she is still holding strong on her goal not to smoke. (She smokes when she´s nervous.) She told us some interesting things that go on in the house... we told her that the house can be blessed so we will see if that helps a little because right now they can´t invite the spirit in super easily.

Friday. Patricio was gone all night. We get a phonecall during lunch from somebody notifying us that he was in the hospital. He had been out all night and he was going to harm his wife so he asked to be put in the hospital. We went to visit him and he wasn´t in good shape. In fact, he looked dead. Super sad. Nohelia didn´t know what to do. Half of her wanted to leave with the kids but the other half couldn´t do it.

Saturday. Patricio left from the hospital. They want to better their relationship and are going to come to church. We had an excellent Noche de Hogar with the family of Monica. :) 

Sunday. Patrico and family come to church and suddenly he can´t talk. It reminded me of bedtime stories when a bee stings his tongue. They quickly left to the hospital and was notified that it was possible that he wasn´t ever going to be able to talk again. Luckily it all passed and he was talking normal a few hours later. Miracles in many situations. 

Sunday night. Best night of the whole week. We had quite an odd day this day. In fact, we had quite an odd week. But this experience almost put me to tears. We weren´t planning on this but we passed by Monica´s house again and coincidently they were outside. They invited us in and for the first time ever we were able to have a lesson with ALL of their family. The husband is just recently beginning to listen in on the lessons. Well, we shared a scripture and by the end we left with a baptismal date. The spirit was the strongest it has ever been in quite some time. I have always felt a connection with this family, but this night was absolutely amazing because I have NO DOUBT that this is going to change their lives. They have the greatest desires for their children, and this is an answer to their prayers. They need to be married still and the wife is scared of this commitment, but I think that this is finally their time. She has been listening to the missionaries for years... but now is the time. We set the date for May 31, and they are going to pray to see what they think about it. It was a GOLDEN LESSON. I felt as if I was teaching my own family... so many things connected so well. LOVED it. I´ll keep ya posted. :) 

TODAY. The Elders came here to Monte so we had quite a fun day. Eating, playing soccer, etc. Well, while playing soccer we saw Patricio. He informed us that Nohelia was packing her bags and leaving later today. This poor couple. I can´t even tell you how much stress we have had trying to know what was best for this family. The kids are the most precious things in the world and they need this gospel. We wished that they could work things out, but in the same time it may be better that they are seperated. They both have gone through SOO much in their lives. So sad... I don´t know how they do it because I left exhausted every time we visited their house. Wow. 

Sorry this letter is crazy. Hope it made a little bit of sense. Capaz que no. Sorry. Ahh I have a million more things to say! Aww... this week was interesting. TONS of amazing things... tons of crazy things... sad... and uhh depressing. But, I have learned a million from it all. All in all I am so grateful for this evangelio. It has changed my life and yours and ours as a family.Thank you so much for your examples to me. I love you all to the moon and back. Have an AMAZING week!!!

Con mucho amor,
Hermana Wright

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 14, 2014 {Kaitlyn}

This week was absolutely amazing. We had investigators in Sacrament meeting! 4!!! That is a big shocker here in Monte considering that my companion has never had an investigator in Sacrament Meeting after her 4 months of being here. It was pretty exciting! :) We are working with this darling family and they all came yesterday! :) 

We had a Noche de Hogar with this family and it was absolutely amazing. We talked about temples and they absolutely adored the lesson. We set goals for them to be able to enter some day; first of all being baptism. I´m hoping that now that they came to church we can return and set them on date for baptism. AHH I hope so!! I LOVE working with families. It would be  dream come true if this whole family joins. There aren´t tons of progressing investigators here in Monte but I do feel like this family has LOTS of potential. I´m praying day and night for them. :)  The mom has been investigating for quite some time and she says that she wants to be baptized but that she doesn´t want to do it without her husband because she needs his support. Her husband seemed to enjoy himself in la iglesia though soooo we´ll see what happens! 

I was sick for the first time in all of my mission on Wednesday. I was throwing up in the night and then Wednesday I literally couldn´t move. I tried studying but couldn´t. Then I tried watching movies but I couldn´t even do that. It was weird, so I was literally in bed ALL day. Bleh. TERRIBLE! But Thursday I was up and going otra vez. :) 

We´re off to the train now, I´ll finish with this letter later! And if not I´ll be writing another day? LOVE YOU!!!! HAAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Well, now on to the rest of the letter for this week. There is not too much left because the week went by flying. We had a few funny experiences, like my companion falling in a puddle of mud on her bicycle. Hahaha yep, ended with a skirt and face full of mud. It was pretty funny I have to admit. I wasn{t sure if I was going to be able to laugh so I first made sure that she wasn't crying and then I started dying of laughter. Hahaha too good. Then we had our crazy adventure in the freezing cold wind. I seriously was using every last bit of my might to fight against the wind. We didn{t know that it was going to be so cold so we hardly had any clothes on, but we pedaled diligently until we finally arrived at our cita. Hahaha I ended up loving it. Nice little challenge. :)  It was FREEZING these past two days. I am dying at night. We need to get our heater fixed... because right now we have nothing. Ooo boy, we are in for a treat in the winter. We are close to the Laguna so it is cooler here then any of the other areas. 

Today we had zone activity and we played soccer. Seriously so fun. I have not had the chance to play a ton here, but when I do I recognize more and more how much I love sports! It is the greatest stress reliever on the planet. :) I am good to go for another month now. :)  

Well, I think I already told you about most of the exciting news for the week. I can{t remember anything super specific in the moment. Ha yesterday we taught the lesson in gospel principles class and we hadn't prepared. Lets just say that I haven{t quite gotten over the fear of speaking in front of others. I started talking in circles a bit. :) I never was one to have words flowing into my head but we now have a recent rm as our teacher. She will be excellent!!! Monte is on it{s way to seeing a spark in the work. :) Ooo I have so much energy for this little town right now. It{s not the most going place but it soon will be. 

All is going super well. Sorry for the boring letter. Ha hope the video sends to ya'll and I hope you enjoy it. We practiced for lots of time!! Haha it comes from the song of something I heard from the one and only. Whoever can guess it wins a... hug from me when I return! 20 bucks that Bry knows it. :) It's a bit different though so we will see. 


April 14, 2014 {Kim}

Hey Hey Hey! Wellllll can you believe that i hit my 6 month mark in 2 days!? what. so crazy. wellllll this week was gooood. We have had some awesome experiences/lessons this week. we had a lession with some of our less actives. A mom and a daughter. The daughter is 13 and really struggling with some things in life and a testimony and sooo much. So we were stuck with what to do. We wanted her to open up to us cuz she doesnt really talk much. So we decided that we would split up and Sister solomon would teach the mama and i would teach the daughter (abby) so we just sat on different sides of the room and i talked with abby and Sister Solomon talked with the mom (martha). It was sooooo awesome! One of the most spiritual lessons ever. I have so so much love for Abby. I just want her to be happy. It was awesome. She completely opened up to me and just started bawling. oh my goodness. my heart just breaks because i love her so much. but it was so spiritual. and then her mom got up and bore her testimony in sacrament meeting yesterday! YES! such a good sacrament meeting. We also had an AWESOME lesson with our investigator China. the other day she told us that she wanted to push back her baptismal date that we had set for the 27th of april. we threw down on her. had such a good lesson. but she stillllll was like no i dont feel ready! but literally she was sitting there telling us of all the answers she recieved and how great she felt when we visited and how she knew it was true. haha so this last lesson we had yesterday we talked about recognizing and receiving answers and it was the greatest!We used some scriptures in D & C : 6 21-22 and D & C 9 She FINALLY said.... "Something from that just really touched me" it was so awesome and then she looked at me and said Hna. Josse... I will be baptized before you leave this area. and i said hna. We dont know when i will be leaving. I could be leaving in the early part of may. haha and then her husband that is a member says " well it looks like she has a date then". so great. and also we were just walking to an appointment the other day and we came across these two little black kids chillin outside their house. of course since both my companion and i have an obsession with black people we were lovin it and playing catch with the little 4 year old haha so cute. and then his mom walks out and we start talking to her. such a cool woman. so funny. well we set up an appointment with her but since she was english speaking we had to hand her off to the english sisters....but we went to that appointment with them so we could introduce them and it was awesome. We talked about the intro to the book of mormon. and i learned a really sweet lesson from this lesson. you dont need to say all that much in a lesson for it to count. you dont need to be all elaborate. It was way cool because since there were 3 other missionaries there i didnt really say much.... literally only said two thing... but one of those times i bore my testimony about applying the scriptures. and just told her that its ok that she doesnt understand everything cuz i dont either. and literally just talked for like 30 seconds that whole lesson. and at the end one of the english sisters asked.... have you felt good or felt the spirit while we've been here talking with you today? and she goes "yaaa when you  sista Josse were talking about the scriptures i just got the chillssss it just felt real and good. I feel good." It was way cool. Also we found a family!! they are the cutest. Its the family that i sent the picture of! The little girls are literally the cutest. The first time we met them we gave the 4 year old 2 pass along cards with jesus on the back. and She hung them on her magnet board in her room!! haha im in love with her. and then the second time we talked to them. she opened my book of mormon and was looking through the pictures in the front. and she flipped to the one of jesus visiting the americas and goes i know him. I know him. Thats Jesus. He is a really good man. Hes magical... he brought a little girl to life and does lots of good things. thats his house * points to a church down the street with a cross on the top* he wants everyone to come there. Bad people killed him... they put pokey things in his hands and put him on a "t" . but he didnt die. Hes back. hahaha literally melted my heart. cutest thing of my life. and then she draws a picture of him. and asks if she can keep my book of mormon. and then when we were leaving and ending with a prayer.... she goes "wait wait"right before we say it  and then she grabs the book of mormon... opens to the picture of jesus and hugs it during the prayer. oh my goodness. i died. and let me just tell you... she has never even been to church before. i cant get over it. cutest thing ever. Wow sorry this email is long and all over the place. but last thing. I love my companion. I have never gotten so comfortable or been so open with someone so fast in my life. we're homies. we've had some unreallll comp studies. she helps me so much. helps me get through the toughest days. Well i have noooo time left. gotta go but i love you all so much! Have a fantastic week!
Love, Hermana Josse

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April 7, 2013 {Kaitlyn}

HAPPY 43 AND 44TH birthday MOM AND DAD!
Happy happy birthday shout out to Mom and Dad. Well technically moms shout out will be next week... but they go hand in hand. Also shout out to Lindschris because I failed to give the shout out to her last week! HAPPY APRIL BIRTHDAY´s :) Have the best week ever!! 

WOW, wasn´t general conference the best?! Every conference I don´t think that anything can beat it until the next conference comes around. UNREAL. Wow, I learned sooo many things that I´m super excited to apply en la obra misional. :) Hope you all will do the same.  I thought of you guys in one of the talks that talked about sharing with your family the spiritual experiences you are having. Look at us, all on top of things. Now you really can´t bail on the spiritual thoughts of the week. I don´t remember who talked about this, but he explained it perfectly, because I really do learn so much when you send them to me. 

As for this week, we had quite a crazy week. It started off with the longest day ever on Tuesday. We had district meeting which takes about 2 and a half hours to travel to. We were waiting to return and to make a long story short we ended up getting home at 6:30 at night because the train got canceled and then... ya long story. I was DYING. We even had appointments this day and ended up missing the majority of them. Ayy ayy ayy... after a long day of a test of patience we recognized the reason for it all. We met a man named Marcello and talked to him the whole way home. About everything. He´s going to Austria in 2 weeks, but we went to visit him and ended up meeting his family as well. They are gold. He has the cutest little nephew ever. We haven´t talked with his Sister yet, but I´m thinking that the family of his sister has lots of potential. I´ll keep you posted, we´re going backtomorrow. :) 

The rest of the week went pretty well. We were gone for the weekend because we had to stay in Monte Grande for Conference. We stayed with Hermana Hansen. We had peanut butter! :)  Hehe We had one lesson on Saturday night that was excellent. The lady just started crying towards the end and all during the prayer. She told me that she was certain that I was an angel sent to her. Haha apparently I change my voice or something when I teach because the comp that I was with said I have a special voice or something. My comp on the other hand the other week told me that I speak too kind and people are going to fall asleep. Hahaha she´s so funny, she´s super sparky so you can imagine she has a bit of a louder voice. Hahaha :)  

I´m having a rough time remembering all that happened this week, because we were only here for basically 3 days. It was a bit crazy, but I wouldn´t trade anything for the conference. It was amazing. I´ve already forgotten a ton of it, so I need to review the talks again. I loved the talk from Elder Ballard I think? The one that talked about the importance of simple doctrine and the strength of our testimonies. My new goal is to make sure that people can feel of my desire to share this gospel. I read a talk that talked about recognizing our purpose as missionaries and it is absolutely incredible. I´ll have to share it with you but I don´t remember what it is called. I´ll let you know next week. :) 

Love you all so much, hope all is going well. Have an amazing week! 

Con amor, Hermana Wright 

PS Sorry this is a lame letter. I had a bunch of funny stories to share but for some reason I can´t remember ANY of them. Hahaha besides the one that I took a bug out of my companions eye but I was having a laugh attack... so you can imagine how that went. Haha FAILURE. 

PSS Dad mentioned how the weather is cooling down... Ha I´m pathetic I die of cold already sometimes and it´s APRIL. Uhh, I´m going to die in the winter.  I don´t know what happened to me... I used to never be cold! Haha squirrell.. Oh and mom we had a crepe in one of the houses for dessert. I was thinking of you every bite of it. :) 

Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7, 2013 {Kim}

Hola! How are you!? General conference was the best!!! i hope you all watched it! If not you better get on that!! So good. Welllllll I have a new companion! I had a really hard time the first day but now its alll good! I LOVE her. Hermana Solomon from Salt Lake! Weird story. At leadership training last week i met her for the first time and we got put in a group to do a role play together and it was one of the best role plays ever! And for some reason i just knew that we were going to be companions and that we ended up in the same group for a reason! And its way weird cuz she had that same feeling as well! sweet eh? Welllll....shes great! Haha its funny we have everythinggggg in common. She plays soccer, skiis, loves camping and being outdoors, and  her favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip, shes stubborn, and we have the same favorite number, She loves little black children and wants to adopt. haha literally everything. We were laughing about it saying like there is noooo way that we literally like the same everything.... so she says your favorite color is green huh? and i was like yessss hahaha no way! and then later we were at a members house and the sons name is matthew and she goes hey my brother has the same name as you! haha so weird. But seriously she is great! I've already learned so much from her! and she pushes me a lot. we've had some awessssome lessons. I love teaching with her. Haha she willl nottttt help me with spanish though if im struggling for words in lessons. its way good. but i hate it. haha. We've been going running in the mornings and its way good!!! Scaryyyyy story though..... We were in a lesson with a member on Friday and during the middle of the lesson all of a sudden Sister solomon got super confused and didnt know where we were and couldnt understand anything and just like lost all her strength! And we are in the house of a member that speaks absolutely no english...well ya sister solomon had a seizure! ha it was sooo scary. i was so worried for her. She couldnt walk or anything or talk or understand and she got super hot. So im on the phone with the mission nurse while trying to speak non gospel related spanish. haha. But she is fine now. It was scary all night. Thought she was gonna die on me. ahhhh ha. but its weird because we dont know why it randomly happened. But anyways we have had some awesomeeee lessons this week. and we have found 5 new investigators!! whoo whoo. and when we were contacting we found a polish woman and she let us in. she barely spoke any english but we brought her a polish book of mormon and just had her read the introduction. she was so cute. soooo happy for the book and just kept thanking us for making her feel happy. if only we could speak polish. ha we are going to have the english sisters try to keep teaching her cuz shes way cool. well this week has been way good. I love my twinnnna sister solomon we are already homies and it hasnt even been a week. and im starting to do so much better. thanks for all the support. Love you all! Have a fantastic week! Hope all is wellll Loveeeee you!
Love, Hermana Josse

Monday, March 31, 2014

March 31, 2014 {Kaitlyn}

Buenas Tardes! Well I have no completed my first week in my new area. Things are going well, but I do miss the good old Alejandro Korn. :) I´ve decided that the Lord wants me to learn how to better adapt to change and for this reason I am transferred every 2 transfers. Haha every area it is right before a baptism as well. I sure am being blessed with the abilitly to adjust to things pretty easily. I have had a week FULL of learning :) 

We are in an area that is completely country. It´s really neat though because it´s a tourist place because it has a Laguna. We go running(if you want to call it running hehe) at the Laguna everyday... BEAUTiful. It makes me want to jump right in. :) I added pictures in dropbox so you can get a little glimpse of it. It gives me a little taste of home because I always think of boating and Lake Powell with the fam! :) 

The people here are super nice. I am already feeling like I´ve known some of them for quite the time. My companion and I both gave talks in Sacrament Meeting yesterday, and all went well. I´m getting a little bit more confident with my Spanish, considering that all I had was an outline. Believe it or not I actually enjoy giving talks... because I always learn a lot more in my studies while I am preparing for it. It´s excellent! I spoke about prophets... ohhh  I LOVE this subject, because I have gained the strongest testimony about a living day prophet. I tied this in with the importance of prayer, because as I was studying I recognized that President Monson always touches on this topic. He has the most incredible testimony of prayer... It was perfect for me to study because it is something that I am trying to improve on. I love conference talks. I CAN´T WAIT FOR CONFERENCE!

This week we shared the story of Naaman and I recognized something that I hadn´t thought much about. As we know in the story of Naman he had to bathe 7 times to be cleaned. We were teaching a menos activo who knows all the principles of the gospel but just will not commit to going to church. As we were teaching it came to my mind the symbolism of 7. If Naman had only bathed 6 times the disease wouldn´t have been cured. It is the same thing with ourselves. We can be perfect in our studies of the scriptures, prayer, but if we do not bathe ourselves on that 7th day we are never going to be completely clean. The sacrament is critical... we MUST partake of it each and every Sunday. As we complete with this ordinance we will start off each and every week clean and energized to make it through the next week. It was quite neat, because with every person we shared this story with... another symbolism came into mind. The scriptures are FILLED with symbols. 

Hahaha so funny story. Last night my tire popped on my bike so we ended up just doing ALB (open the mouth) for the last half hour of the night. This is not my strength in the mission. Haha I am so awkward when I do them... but last night I realized that the experience is what you make it. Haha we had a very interesting story. We started talking with a couple and before we knew it we found out that they had actually just met. In the end of the conversation she said that she doesn´t know this guy, but they should know a bit more in the morning. Ayy ayy ayy you know me. Hahaha I WAS DYING. Just about started laughing right then and there. Haha oh the things we hear on the mission. Haha :)  

Quick story about the food. We went to a members house and we had a steakhouse right then and there. I was thinking of how much Brandon needed to be here in this moment as I ate all this food. First we had a huge chunk of Sausage, then he puts both the chicken thy and wing on my plate... drum roll please... then he slaps down a huge chunk of steak. Lets just say I have no idea how I put down all that CARNE. Haha He´s the cutest little member though. He has an AMAZING conversion story. He used to smoke and drink alll the time... but he left it all for the church and is now enjoying every bit of his experience in the church. 

My companion is good. She has 3 months in the mission, but she is a great teacher. I learned something really important these last few days and that is that there is something good to find in each and every companion. It is so important that we do not compare one companion to the other because they all have their own strengths. I was missing the good bond that Hna. Diaz and I had developed and then once I put this into play everything got better. Things we always good with my new comp but now things are even better. I´m learning plenty of great things in this area. :) 

I was going to share a few other things but the letter is getting a bit long so I am going to close for now. We set somebody on date for the 26th of April. She didn´t come to church, but I have high hopes for her so I´ll keep you posted. I hope all is going excellent for you all. Remember the importance of family scripture study. It is VITAL. Not just personal, but with your spouses as well. As well as family prayer. And FHE! :) Love you all. Have an excellent week! 

March 31, 2014 {Kim}

Hola! Well i dont have much time right now. But this last week has been good. Crazy but good. We've kind of been preparing for transfers. Sister Garn will be leaving tomorrow and i will be running the area and getting a new companion. Not excited. I love Sister Garn and i dont think im ready to lead the area. ahhhhh. well other news for this week. This sister officially has ADD says the doctor. haha.
I gave my 2nd talk in sacrament meeting yesterday. Everyone said my spanish has improved a TON so that was good to hear. well i gotta go.. sorry i dont have much time. but ahhhh transfers. bummed. scared. Love you all so much! Have a fantastic week!
Love, Hermana Josse

March 24, 2014 {Kaitlyn}

BIRTHDAY SHOUT OUT TO THE NEW DADDY!!! :) Happy Birthday Brandon!!! Have the best week EVER! I´m sorry to say that I didn´t even ever get a letter off. Yes I did write a quick letter and I was even going to send a package, and then I didn´t get around to either. I was going to send the letter today at transfer meeting, but it ended up being CRAZY! But HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HOPE YOU HAVE AN AMAZING DAY :) PS... are you 30?! WOAHHHHH. 

Wow, this week was full of surprises. First things first I got transferred. I am now in an area called Monte de San Miguel. Wherever that is? It´s in the middle of NOWHERE. It took us 3 hours to get here. My new companion is Hermana Martinez from Columbia and has 3 months in the mission. She seems super nice, and seems to have a ton of energy! Transfers were a bit crazy because I wasn´t expecting to leave... or maybe more than anything I was hoping that I wouldn´t leave. Everything was going so well in Alejandro Korn. I´m going to miss the people so much. They were my family hear in my home away from home, but even I know that the Lord needs me in this new place. It really is amazing what the Lord can do, because you know me, I HATE change but through all the changes I have had I have really been pretty calm. I´m going to miss Hermana Diaz but it´ll be excellent to learn from a new companion.

We had a baptism 2 hours after I arrived. Haha kinda neat eh? :) I gave a talk on the Holy Ghost :) Bienvenidos! We are in a branch that has about 15 active members so it´ll be SUPER different. I´m super excited because I´ll be able to strengthen some of my weaknesses... because we´ll be doing the majority of things here. They LOVE the Hermana that was here before me and she was here for 6 months so I have some BIG shoes to fill. :) Sorry don´t know to much still... but I´ll give you a better update next week.

Hermana Diaz in the end isn´t going to Venezuela. THey took out all foreigners. They gave her a decision of whether she wanted to be reassigned or if she wanted to stay here. Pretty crazy eh? She ended up deciding to stay. She´s seriously so amazing. Along with her family. He dad seriously is going to be some grand leader. He receives revelation of all things. He had basically warned her that this was going to happen by the words that he shared with her on monday. Wow, I learned so much from her... and her family! 

I had a ton of things to share for this week, but for some reason I have forgotten everything. We had an excellent last week. We picked it up a ton, because for some reason we both kinda had a dragging week the week before. I went on exchanges with Hermana Wyeth (friend of McCall the neighbor of SHellie). Oh she is incredible! We had this lesson that was seriously INCREDIBLE. I surely knew this man in the preexistence. He usually doesn´t sit in on the lessons, but this time he did and even more, he participated. We talked about eternal families, and WOW I haven´t had so much desire for a family to be sealed in the temple in quite some time. The spirit was SO STRONG. He´s going to start taking the discussions, I know it. :) We also went out of our little shell and made the goal to do our ALB (Open the Mouth). We met some amazing people :) Aww the miracles that pass in the mission. 

Haha Jose wanted me to take his piano so that I could practice in my mission. Haha and make my mother happy because one day I was telling him how my mom always told me that I would regret this. Haha yep she was right! Haha WHAT WAS I THINKING?! I regret it more than anything else in this world. Haha maybe I´m exaggerating... but I do regret it quite a bit.

Anyway, I can´t believe I´m forgetting everything that went on this week... but I had an excellent week. The transfers are a little bitter sweet. I´m already missing Hna. Diaz. She became like a sister to me really... but that´s ok, I´ll do the same with Hna Martinez. She´s excellent! :) Lopve you all so much! Happy Birthday to all because I know that it is also Uncle John´s and Austin´s birthday or something. HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEEK :) 

PS Hope you are all looking forward to conference like I am. YIPEE! Christmas is on it´s way!!! LOVE YOU ALL! Have an excellent week!!   

Sunday, March 30, 2014

March 18, 2014 {Kim}

Hi. Welllllll.....This week was good! Haha we have contacted some more crazy people this week. I almost burst out laughing in one of our contacts when the guy we were talking to just started going off about Genies, Demons, and angels and how Mary wasnt a virgin. He was so crazy. haha i was dying i had to keep acting like i was coughing cuz i was trying not to laugh. Wow i sound like a terrible person now. So yes...something i am working on is keeping a straight face. Ha. So yes...we have been doing a lot of contacting again this week. We only have one legit investigator still (China - She has a date for the 27th of April which is happening forrrr sure. I love her.) ....Its so hard to find spanish people in our area! I mean there are soooo many hispanics in Jersey but we have the cities that border all the hispanic areas. Ha. Out of 48 people we contacted yesterday 2 were hispanic and they both lived in the city that the elders cover which is mostly all  hispanic. Its super frustrating. We get a lot of referrals for the english sisters that cover our area though. We did actually find a cool dominican guy the other day and he works in a barber shop. So he had us come to his work to teach him. Ha it was so awkward. We just stood in the middle of the shop while he was cutting someones hair. but it was good and hes way cool. We have another appointment with him tomorrow!
We had leadership training this week. its where all the new missionaries get together and have trainings and practice teaching aka role plays after role plays after role plays. (I HATE ROLE PLAYS i feel so dumb in them when i dont know what to say. I was dreadddding Leadership training for weeks. And i freaked the night before because the assistants called me and asked me to give the monthly scripture...which means standing in front of like 60 missionaries and all the senior couples and president and sister jeppson and talking. what. I was so scared. But it was finnnne. and guess what..... I LOVED leadership training! I learned so much. Main thing i learned is confidence and trust are KEY. I already knew that confidence makes a huge difference...but during some of the role plays there were some missionaries that i was teaching with that were so scared and you could just tell they were not confident at all. (Something i realized about myself is that when im put in a position where i have to lead. I can lead) So i stepped up in these role plays and just did it and trusted i would know what to say. and they were so good. I usually sit there while my companion is talking and try to think about what im going to say when she is done talking but i tried my best not to do that and just let the spirit work and it was awesomee! I was more myself and i was super bold. I dont know what happened. Haha. and of course President Jeppson decided to come join one of my role plays and mediate for us. I was like you are kidddding. He is the most intimidating man in the world. But the greatest. I was so nervous but it was a goooood role play because i decided to trust that i would have stuff to say. And i did. wow. I loved Leadership training. We also had to teach the youth class yesterday at church and they are PUNKS. Just the biggest punks. They just have no care in the world and think they are the coolest teenagers. We had a really good lesson though and we got a few of them to really pay attention. I hope we actually have the opportunity to teach them again because my goal is to help all the youth gain testimonies and not be punks haha.
I have to give another talk in sacrament next week...haha scared. talks in english are yes....talks in spanish are HARD.  At least i got more of a heads up this time. Not like i have much time to prepare anyways though. haha. Well guess what...this is the last week of the transfer. I am panicking. I loveeee sister Garn and she is leaving for sure. She has become one of my best friends. Everything is so fun with her and i am completely myself. geeez i love her. shes such a great person. Im gonna have a hard time with this change. But Itll all beeee good. Im also scared because i will be leading the area. ahhh. But mostly I just dont want my best friend to leave. haha. Well i gottttta go. but i love you all so much! Have a fantastic week!
Love, Hermana Josse

March 17, 2014 {Kaitlyn}

Buenas Tardes!!! Sorry, this one is going to be super short. Pday ends in about 25 minutes. Haha but wow, it was so good to hear from all of you! Shout out to Brandon and Whitney because I got novels from both of them :) I almost started crying I was so happy! ;) Wink, but not really. Haha... so now that I have heard that Zeus is doing well I have to tell you. The week that he had this scare I had had a dream that something happened to him. Only in my dream it was worse, I returned from the mission and asked about him and Brandon started tearing  up and ya you get the rest of the story. I never have Lamanite dreams so I wasn´t thinking anything had happened to him, but I guess this time it really did have to do with real life. Scary scary, but glad to hear that all is well. I LOVED the photos that Brandon sent. Ry guy (RZ) is such a little stud. 

Well, as far as this week goes nothing much went on. We had a good start to the week, but struggled towards the end of the week a little bit. We have been keeping up on our goals really well except for this past week, but we´ll pick it back up this week. We did set Daniela on date for the 12 of April. She´ll be confirmed on Dad´s birthday :) She seriously has changed so much already. It is absolutely incredible to see the effect that it is having on both her own life and the life of her family. She is the HAPPIEST girl now. She´s already starting seminary, and excited about it... and she even told the bishop that she´s GOING to be baptized. Last sunday was a huge breakthrough for her. THESE ARE THE BEST STORIES. :)

I laughed when I saw the beginning of mom´s letter. Haha I had completely forgotten. I pinched the Elders and it took them a second but then they just started laughing. Haha I didn´t have time to read all the letters yet because we were doing a deep clean in the house today. I did read the good old traditional St. Patty´s day dinner. Boy am I jealous! :) Eat double for me.  HAPPY ST. PATRICK¨S DAY! 
Heads up, next week is transfers... I don´t think that we´ll be moving... but it is possible so if I don´t email for some reason don´t be worrying. It shouldn´t change anything, but just to be sure.

Haha I laughed at Sara´s humble comment because that´s exactly my problem. I want the forwarded response of Brett.  I´m still working on humbling myself... but it´s a hard attribute to correct. Being too negative affects it but so does being too positive. Wow, Sara seems to be doing absolutely AMAZING. She seems to be a completely different person. I look forward to meeting my new friends when I get home. :) 

Well, I hope all is going well. Sorry that I don´t have much to share this week. It was a bit slow with the work. We had many things fall through, but we´re keeping our heads up high and ready to have a miraculous week this week! Have an amazing week!!!

COn mucho amor,
Hermana Wright

March 11, 2014 {Cara}


Wow! I am just so happy seeing all your letters! It truly made my week! Wow thank you so so much! It means a ton to get a letter from you guys... I never know who to write- ha ha so thankyou! I dont have much time so I just printed the letters, and I'll write you guys back later! I'm sure they are awesome, thankyou and MAHALO for all of them:) I miss you guys! 
Ok. So this week was great. I'm going to be honest. I'm so tired. Spiritually tired, and starting to get physically. Everyday is getting more and more busy. BUT you know what?! It's all because my awesome companion and I make it that way:) I have never, in my entire mission, been so busy. I'm starting to really get this whole missionary work thing down the the T. Haha. Hilo is known for being really slow pace and not many baptisms or much to do/laidback...... but Sister Buckner and I are changing that around! We have been meeting with our Bishop, and got to give him great ideas for the ward (its a very old ward with few - i repeat - very few young families. In fact... I think there is 3 families with kids. Lots of elderly - but aint nothing wrong with that:) So we have this cool missionary activity planned and got the members on board! We have 11 member present lessons this week! Record I've ever had on my mission. Its awesome. We taught allllmost 30 lessons this week! It's worth it though. So worth. I mean it makes so much sense... if you want to work.... you really can! Hilo is no longer going to be known as a slow area:)

Ok sorry for that rant.... We are teaching Lucy Jolet. She is marshalese and speaks very little english. (we have lots of language barriers here- but it doesn't stop the spirit from touching their hearts) She has a baptism date for March 22- RANDOMLY during the lesson she goes- "ok- I have decided. I will be baptized. I love Jesus and I know I am ready." The cute lil white aunty who is a member that we brought with us, jumps up and said, " I love baptisms! I'll make you a cake Lucy!" Then  BOOM- Lucy (big marshalese woman) jumps up and bear hugs this little grandma and says, "Oh Aunty I love you!" and they start talking for like 5 minutes and start PLANNING HER BAPTISM!!! Hahahaha me and Sister Buckners eyes were like wide open, and we looked at each other and hugged and then just started laughing! It was the funniest moment and lesson in my life. We have been trying to get a date for Lucy for 4 weeks.
Except we just found out she's pregnant and a lot- a lot- of things change and just got complicated. Please pray for her.
Then we taught Albert Einstein ll. His name is Arthur Chris Eccel. Oh my goodness- this man writes dictionaries you guys. And speaks 5 languages. He even lived in Jerusalem. He is 70 yrs. old. You cant see any thing on his walls but bookshelfs with books. His house is PACKED full of artifacts and gold and silver given to him by Kings from all around the world. He is sadly Agnostic. Nothings too exciting. I'm just so obsessed with history. Just thought I'd tell you about him. Nothing cool. Just a cool experience. Someone Id never thought I'd meet. 

Ok so Analyn Domingo is next. Well she is 12 and has been going to church for long time. She wants to get baptized. Well for weeks we have been trying to contact her parents. Every single day actually- we stop by her home to see her family. We have been praying every night for her.. and finally...... their neighbor across the street- Brother Sewell invites them to dinner!!! He invited us to come too. So last night we shared an awesome message and the dad agreed to come to church with Analyn. Ahh... Pray for them please! It was a miracle dinner. Super cool too.

Ok well please pray from Darrell and Kirruu and Analyn, Elijah, Mark, Lucy, Grant, Helen. Buck. I wish I could tell y'all all about them and let you know the countless miracles that we see everyday! It's spriitually and physically draining... I remember when unko Randy told us about Joseph Smith passing out because he saw so many angels and ran out of strength. Yeah.. teaching so much is harder then I thought! I fell asleep during a lesson once. Haha.
It was a long day and a very old aunty, with an english barrier.
Sorry gotta go.
Sister Olsen
Just know that I know the church is true and I'm so grateful for you and the knowledge of the Gospel.