Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 14, 2014 {Kim}

Hey Hey Hey! Wellllll can you believe that i hit my 6 month mark in 2 days!? what. so crazy. wellllll this week was gooood. We have had some awesome experiences/lessons this week. we had a lession with some of our less actives. A mom and a daughter. The daughter is 13 and really struggling with some things in life and a testimony and sooo much. So we were stuck with what to do. We wanted her to open up to us cuz she doesnt really talk much. So we decided that we would split up and Sister solomon would teach the mama and i would teach the daughter (abby) so we just sat on different sides of the room and i talked with abby and Sister Solomon talked with the mom (martha). It was sooooo awesome! One of the most spiritual lessons ever. I have so so much love for Abby. I just want her to be happy. It was awesome. She completely opened up to me and just started bawling. oh my goodness. my heart just breaks because i love her so much. but it was so spiritual. and then her mom got up and bore her testimony in sacrament meeting yesterday! YES! such a good sacrament meeting. We also had an AWESOME lesson with our investigator China. the other day she told us that she wanted to push back her baptismal date that we had set for the 27th of april. we threw down on her. had such a good lesson. but she stillllll was like no i dont feel ready! but literally she was sitting there telling us of all the answers she recieved and how great she felt when we visited and how she knew it was true. haha so this last lesson we had yesterday we talked about recognizing and receiving answers and it was the greatest!We used some scriptures in D & C : 6 21-22 and D & C 9 She FINALLY said.... "Something from that just really touched me" it was so awesome and then she looked at me and said Hna. Josse... I will be baptized before you leave this area. and i said hna. We dont know when i will be leaving. I could be leaving in the early part of may. haha and then her husband that is a member says " well it looks like she has a date then". so great. and also we were just walking to an appointment the other day and we came across these two little black kids chillin outside their house. of course since both my companion and i have an obsession with black people we were lovin it and playing catch with the little 4 year old haha so cute. and then his mom walks out and we start talking to her. such a cool woman. so funny. well we set up an appointment with her but since she was english speaking we had to hand her off to the english sisters....but we went to that appointment with them so we could introduce them and it was awesome. We talked about the intro to the book of mormon. and i learned a really sweet lesson from this lesson. you dont need to say all that much in a lesson for it to count. you dont need to be all elaborate. It was way cool because since there were 3 other missionaries there i didnt really say much.... literally only said two thing... but one of those times i bore my testimony about applying the scriptures. and just told her that its ok that she doesnt understand everything cuz i dont either. and literally just talked for like 30 seconds that whole lesson. and at the end one of the english sisters asked.... have you felt good or felt the spirit while we've been here talking with you today? and she goes "yaaa when you  sista Josse were talking about the scriptures i just got the chillssss it just felt real and good. I feel good." It was way cool. Also we found a family!! they are the cutest. Its the family that i sent the picture of! The little girls are literally the cutest. The first time we met them we gave the 4 year old 2 pass along cards with jesus on the back. and She hung them on her magnet board in her room!! haha im in love with her. and then the second time we talked to them. she opened my book of mormon and was looking through the pictures in the front. and she flipped to the one of jesus visiting the americas and goes i know him. I know him. Thats Jesus. He is a really good man. Hes magical... he brought a little girl to life and does lots of good things. thats his house * points to a church down the street with a cross on the top* he wants everyone to come there. Bad people killed him... they put pokey things in his hands and put him on a "t" . but he didnt die. Hes back. hahaha literally melted my heart. cutest thing of my life. and then she draws a picture of him. and asks if she can keep my book of mormon. and then when we were leaving and ending with a prayer.... she goes "wait wait"right before we say it  and then she grabs the book of mormon... opens to the picture of jesus and hugs it during the prayer. oh my goodness. i died. and let me just tell you... she has never even been to church before. i cant get over it. cutest thing ever. Wow sorry this email is long and all over the place. but last thing. I love my companion. I have never gotten so comfortable or been so open with someone so fast in my life. we're homies. we've had some unreallll comp studies. she helps me so much. helps me get through the toughest days. Well i have noooo time left. gotta go but i love you all so much! Have a fantastic week!
Love, Hermana Josse

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